There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/08/01 |
The project intends to improve the coastal and marine resources conservation and management for fishing families in Bunawan District, Davao City by conducting training and education seminar on community-based Coastal Resource Management; established ( ... )
ial basis for monitoring the health of the marine resources in the area; identify key problems and strategies to ensure the sustainability of the Coastal and tourism in the area; conduct and initial resources assessment of the status of the existing coastal and marine resources including mangroves, sea grass coral and fish in Bunawan district; and identify, locate, describe and map human coastal
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/01/022 |
Planting on the coastal belt, protecting the planted area, awareness raising for the communities and arranging programmes with schools in the area on bio diversity conservation. The project area is based in the East Coast within the conflict area, ( ... )
mmunity involved is Muslim. The houses are directly exposed to the salty winds and the beaches are eroded every year without any buffer zone. The project proposes a bufferzone in a limited area near the community housing.
Phase 2
Project Number: S/OP-038.00-V |
The project seeks to come-up with a sustainable management strategies including educational campaign to assist the community to be self-reliant and be able to protect and manage their environment. The project aimed to improved the quality of life ( ... )
least 290 households beneficiaries through the implementation of the community-based coastal resource management project. It also established environmental protection and rehabilitation measure in order to protect and rehabilitate the endangered marine and coastal environment. It will increase the awareness of the fisher families and community for ecological sound management of the
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/CCF/IND/OP2/01/ASM05 |
To conserve bio-diversity of medicinal plants through collection and preservation of germplasm, awareness generation among the community through training programme. It is also to promoted medicinal plant conservation aspects in the community. The ( ... )
t is to enhance skill of the women beneficiaries for nursery raising and conservation of indigenous variety of saplings. The Forest dept. played a major role in providing indigenous medicinal plant saplings and training on propagation and
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/CCF/IND/OP2/01/TN04 |
Project will attempt to ensure indegenous seed supply system to the farmers through capacity building, in_situ conservation, setting up of community seed banks, including survey, collection and documentation of indegenous varities of grains in the ( ... )
t area.
The project incorporated the components of Agricultural modernization to introduce new and uniform crops into farmers field as a means of in situ conservation technique, promote indigenous variety of seeds for cultivation, awareness and educational programmes for farmers, organise training programmes on organic farming, preparation of training module, booklets, posters and slides and
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/00/18 |
Communication and interchange in civil society is the main goal of this project, with the expected results of reduced occupation in a disorderly fashion of the Distrito Federal and surroundings. Conservation of the regional biodiversity and reduced ( ... )
egradation will be achieved through activities that will attract the public?s attention to these problems, such as conferences, regional meetings, meetings among NGOs, dissemination material, media coverage, and others. This will not only halt the disorderly occupation situation, which is harmful to the environment, but also help to reverse some of the negative effects brought about by the
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: JOR/01/01 |
The NGO will conduct a communication and outreach program for the Community Palm Plantation project that it has been implmenting for the past 3 years with SGP support. The project ocntributes to the sound integrated management of land and water in ( ... )
rdan Valley through the promotion of measures to control land degradation. The project will desseminate the experiences gained so far and train and involve the local community in project activities in order to encourage replication of these
Phase 2
Project Number: TUN/01/03 |
1) Objectif du projet
- Réhabilitation de l?oasis par la sensibilisation et la mobilisation de la population et des services techniques
- Appuyer la recherche, la collecte des données et la préparation de l?inventaire
- Appuyer les ( ... )
ges d?expériences entre ONG.
- La mise en valeur de l?oasis
- La préservation de la faune et la flore de la mer
2) Les principales activités envisagées
- Sensibilisation et mobilisation de la population pour la réhabilitation de l?oasis :
? Journées de formation et de sensibilisation
- appui aux agriculteurs pour la réhabilitation de l?oasis :
? Nettoyage des drains, fumure
Viet nam
Phase 2
Project Number: VIE/01/009 |
The main purpose of the project is to contribute to raise awareness among the local public where the project takes place on forestry protection and biodiversity conservation through organising awareness raising activities to commemorate the special ( ... )
of Forestry Day in Viet Nam. The project also aims to promote visibility of GEF and GEF/SGP in Viet Nam through mass media by reporting news on the implementation of project activities.
The project major activities to be carried out in the localities where the project takes place include:
- environmental campaigns and contests
- tree planting and video film showings in public areas such as
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/01/05 |
Project Development Goal :
To conserve biodiversity as a way to increase community welfare
Project Objectives :
1. To identify biodiversity potentials in Dieng area, especially in Tambi and Sumbung villages
2. To conserve critical land in ( ... )
area, especially in Tambi and Sumbung villages
3. To conserve farming land in Dieng area, especially in Tambi and Sumbung villages
4. To strengthen local community organization
5. To improve post harvest produce handling
Expected Outputs :
1. Established data based on local potential varieties in Dieng area
2. Emergence of effective method based on local knowledge
3. Increased community
Phase 2
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/OP2-2000-18 |
Project Development Goal:
To Encourage the Establishment of conservation village in different villages adjacent to the National Park areas to minimize threats against the Areas.
Project Objectives :
1. To establish a forest buffer zone to ( ... )
ze threats against biodiversity in the Bali Barat National Park Area.
2. To encourage the acknowledgement of the bufferzone use in village boundary and in Bali Barat National Park Area , in the village map and in an official map of Bali Barat National Park.
3. To encourage the acknowledgement of community's rights and nature resources management in the Sumber Klampok village by the
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/OP2-2000-023 |
Main goal: To activate and increase life of fisherman, farmer and their family members ini the drying process using renewable energy
1. To increase women active participation in supporting their self-help and family support system in ( ... )
sing their income through the groups
2. To increase the value and quality of agriculture and fishery products which later incerase the price and could sustain.
Other goals:
the target groups received information and increase their production skill in drying fish and other agriculture products, using new efficient energy system.
Target groups:
1. Community
2. Local farmer/fishermen
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/01/09 |
Project Development Goal :
Conservation of Tondano catchment area through community based effort
Project Objectives :
1. To enchance community activities in conserving Tondano area through planting plants in their garden
2. To strengthen the ( ... )
community leader as village facilitator in conservation effort
3. To increase awareness, especially for elementary students, on sustainable nature resource management in Tondano area
Expected Outputs :
1. The emergence of village rule on nature resource management in every villages ( Watumea, Papakelan, Kumelembuai, Tonsewer and Sawangan)
2. The productive use of unproductive land through
Papua new guinea
Phase 2
Project Number: PNG/01/14 |
The project aims at providing the resting grounds for the fresh water Crocodiles by mapping and creating awareness. The aim of the project also was to assist local people sell eggs on a more sustainable manner |
Phase 2
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/OP2-2000-021 |
To encourage local community participation in managing nature resource management which could support the conservation efforts in Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park and provide the benefit for community welfare as well.
The project development ( ... )
1. To protect the conservation at the National Park of Gunung Gede Pangrango through: compatibility increasing through the park conservation program with local community and increased the inter-relation between the national park with local, in psychological, culture and economy, short term or long term. 2. To protect the National Park of Gunung Gede Pangrango, through: providing alternative
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/OP2-2000-025 |
* Needs for electricity in the community
* Low-income due to no industrial alternative
* Indication of uncontrollable natural resource exploitation.
* To assist low income rural community who have no electricity ( ... )
ty, in the next ten years by providing electricity from Pico-Hydro Units
* To give villagers opportunity to increase their welfare, for community self-helped
* To support the community to rehabilitate the environment condition, lack of water, and other natural resource or disaster signs.
Anticipated benefit:
* Environment protection such as: water efficiency, water sustainability through
Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/01/30 |
Primary Objective of the project is to establish community-based system for monitoring, prevention and fighting forest fires in the Soon Sakesar forest area by organizing formal groups of volunteer fire-fighters in 12 villages situated in Sakesar ( ... )
range (Referred to in this document as ?Community Fire Brigade?)
Context of the Activity
The proposed activity falls under biodiversity conservation category of GEF mandate. It is also very relevant to the new GEF Pakistan strategic framework of eco-regional approach. Soon Valley is heart of the Salt Range ecosystem. The proposed project villages are very important ecological part of Soon
Papua new guinea
Phase 2
Project Number: PNG/01/15 |
The Community Land Management project was funded due to the ecological and social intergrity of the catchment that was and is threatened by proposals for large scale logging. The extensive rainforests, karst landscape and the montane Gondwanic ( ... )
rest that provide a diverse and unique habit to all forms af plants and animal and the sparse human population whose existense depend on the surrounding environment. The project implementation would result in a team, developed of community animators that can be capable of organising and mobilising target communities to establish a regime of planning for community land management across the Bosavi
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/01/001 |
Orientation and awareness programmes for communities, farm land developement and income generating activities for communities in two villages. The activities to be implemented with participation of the community members in order that they are ( ... )
g and able to safeguard the small forest patch which is a source of water for the two villages, remaining within their village boundary. One of the aims was to conserve the bufferzone of the two small irrigation water reservoirs in the two
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-GEF-00-003 |
In this project ITDG will backstop a community in Chuka to distribute the electricity made in phase I of the project by installing a generatorm, constructing a power line and distributing the power in a community industrial park. The community will ( ... )
e the same power to pump water to a central place and then reticulate it to their houses. The project is expected to reach a core group of 200 households but will eventually serve a total of about 10,000