There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN/UNF-GEF/02/05 |
Every year, the COMPACT team i.e. the grantees, the LC, the LCB members and SGP secretariat staff, assemble at a workshop to review the progress of each project under implementation and the challenges encountered. The workshop serves as a ( ... )
ring platform for and by the grantees and also provides an opportunity for technical input, information flow and exchange of ideas, with the aim of improving on areas of
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN/UNF/01/01 |
The workshop was organized shortly after the first set of proposals were selected by the NSC to receive COMPACT funding. Those invited to the workshop were grantees and LCB members. Each grantee made a presentation of their project. This gave the ( ... )
s an opportunity to see how the projects complemented each other, the linkages to conservation, and the expected overall impact on the World Heritage Site. In addition, COMPACT presented their expectations, vis-a-vis progress reports, financial reports, EIAs, Baseline Assessments and accomplishments by end of year
Phase 2
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/OP2-2000-027 |
Project Development Goal
Empowerment of marginal community in sustainable nature resources management
Project Objectives
1. To enhance and encourage the community based sustainable coastal resources management
2. To encourage the ( ... )
ledgement from the local government to traditional custom and community right in managing natural resources
Expected Outputs
1. Compilation of information on sustainable coastal nature resources management
2. Compilation of reliable data on cases in mangrove management done by local government, private entity and other parties
3. Increased understanding and active participation of local
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/01/23 |
Proyecto que complementa la acción de acompanamiento y sistematización que realiza tanto la Coordinación Nacional como el Consejo Nacional asesor. |
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/01/17 |
Este proyecto tiene como objetivo apoyar el desarrollo regional sobre la base de una buena gestión de la biodiversidad local. Impulsado fortalecimiento cotejo y comercialización de la miel orgánica, la promoción de la economía de los ( ... )
ltores, el desarrollo de un rollo de los productores y el diagnóstico de los colmenares realizados, asistencia técnica y capacitación administrativa a los productores en la mejora de la actividad de las
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/01/29 |
Renforcement de la conscience environnementale pour une gestion durable des especes autochtones menacées de disparition dans le pays Dogon. |
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/01/24 |
El proyecto desarrollará un modelo de engorda de pejelagarto, jaiba azul y castarrica; la intención de utilizar el pejelagarto es para utilizar un recurso nativo y alimento tradicional de la zona, de un alto valor comercial, disminuir la presión ( ... )
ra sobre las poblaciones silvestres a través de la producción acuícola de las mencionadas especies durante un
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MAR/01/07 |
During a visit to the project 'Sustainable Agricultural Technologies for Rodrigues' in January 2001, The Minister of Environment and members of his delegation were very impressed by this project and the minister committed his ministry to donate ( ... )
0 from the National Environment Fund to enable more planters in Riviere Banane to get one composter (so far, only 25 planters had obtained composters in the project. Therefore the NGO made an additional request to GEF/SGP to fund more composters for remaining planters and provide the necessary training to new beneficiaries on
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: TAN/COMPACT/UNF/01/01 |
The implementation of COMPACT project Kilimanjaro Tanzania started in the year 2001. As part of the preparations for the start of the COMPACT project the need to collect baseline information was necessary. This baseline information includes ( ... )
economic survey and Aerial survey of the mountain to identify major threats in and around the mountain forest. The collected information is used to guide the implementation of activities by COMPACT project.
The aerial survey on the threats on the Mountain forest was conducted and result was shared by different stakeholders around Mt. Kilimanjaro through a consultative workshop. The result of
Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/01/16 |
The issue of loss of biodiversity in Daman area is exacerbated by the recent change in agricultural pattern which were almost non existent a decade ago. Quite recently, the area has started shifting from rainfed farming to irrigated agriculture. The ( ... )
cannot aim at reversing trends set by market forces that compel small farmers to switch to unsustainable cash cropping. Neither can it prevent the overharvesting of the water table for agricultural use nor the damaging aftermath of the Chashma Right bank Canal.
However, we know from shared experience of similar development in other areas that this loss of biodiveristy and natural resources
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: ECU/00/011 |
Establish an appropriate management system for the efficient management of natural resources at the local level, especially on the plateau and on family plots, based on a participative study of the specific characteristics of the ecosystem in the ( ... )
nd its use and load capacity, training for the people who use this resource, and the encouragement of agroecological productive
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/00/15 |
The current project aims at implementing a center for promotion of communication and mobilization for agroecological production and commercialization in agrarian reform settlements in the Cerrado biome in the surroundings of the Distrito Federal. ( ... )
ttler families will be directly supported by this project, with a target production and commercialization of 30 tons/month. 2 million Reais of agricultural financing will be sought for environmental projects for the development of sustainable production systems for small farmers in the Distrito Federal and surrounding
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/01/05 |
Cerrado conservation and maintenance of its biodiversity have proved to be an effective means of keeping the small farmers in production in their lands, making them partners in this conservation effort, while at the same time presenting a series of ( ... )
atives for generation of income and renovation in the agricultural work. In the Caxambu community, municipality of Pirenópolis, state of Goiás, group of small farmers started, in 1997, to work toward recovering their lands through the production of organic vegetables. The smallholders currently see the need to expand this initiative to the environment as a whole, introducing biodiversity
Phase 2
Project Number: PER/00/02 |
Deterioro del ecosistema amazónico por manejo inadecuado al desarrollar actividades productivas agropecuarias, cultivando extensivamente variedades nativas y foráneas como café, cacao, críticos y oleoginosas.
El objetivo principala es ( ... )
buir a la conservación de la diversidad biológica de la cabecera de la Cuenca del río Yurinaki, mediante una propuesta de desarrollo integral y sostenido que propicie la explotación racional de sus recursos naturales y el pleno empleo de su potencial económico en armonía con el medio ambiente.
1.- Cinco poblaciones: Yurinaki Comunidad Nativa Amuesha, Villa María Comunidad
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/01/13-PG |
To develop an agroforestry system using native species and organic farming techniques on a coastal area adjacent to a RAMSAR site tributary rivers |
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/01/01 |
The project will occur in the village of Kashar, and it aims at restoring agroforestry tradition and reforesting a hilly slope with some natural, rare, and vulnerable species of trees in the area. Some 900 trees will be planted in the area, while ( ... )
ther 600 young trees will be provided for other reforestation activities of that SGP could support. The project will serve as a practical model of economic harmonization between man and nature. It foresees activities for reforestation and restoration of rare and endangered plant species of the area, as well as capacity building for rural communities, by means of community meetings for
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: TUN/00/09 |
Protection of the threatened Ain-Soltane Wetland Ecosystem site, its ecological and socio-economic valorization through public awareness-raising and education, conservation work, community mobilization, and the creation of a ?bird-watch? and a ( ... )
e path? in view of its rational use and
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/CCF/IND/OP2/01/MIZ01 |
The project is basically designed to develop the community land by application of slope and aquaculture component of land preparation, contour bunding, soil fertility treatment, and multiple cropping systems. Development by plantation of fruit ( ... )
g trees and banana groves on the contour bunds for subsidizing income earning of the beneficiaries, increase the income of the beneficiaries from the integrated farming products and improvement in the living conditions, and finally to control shifting cultivation through replication from further encroachment and forest degradation by the community through replication of the improved farming
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/01/11-PG |
To provide access to training on innovative organic farming techniques, methods and practices using native species on two communities of Coatepeque, Quetzaltenango |
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/01/02 |
Creation of conditions for effective protection of amphibians population through securing existence of their breeding places,introduction protective measures during their seasonal migrations and generally - through the change of local people ( ... )
de and behaviour towards this group of animals with educational tools and incorporation them (local people) in active