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Project Title Country Area Of Work Amount
Project Number:   GUA/01/06-NOR
Project pretends to do good use of the natural resources come from the forests, rivers, creeks, and archaeological places located in the "Polochic River Delta Wildlife Refuge". The main objective is to reduce the pressure from the people on the ( ... )
Project Number:   GUA/01/07-PG-NOR
Project pretends to do good use of the natural resources of the forests, creeks and archaeological places located in the area of the "Polochic River Delta wildlife Refuge". The main objective is to reduce the pressure on the natural forest through ( ... )
Project Number:   SGP/CCF/IND/OP2/01/MGH01
Strategic intervention to rehabilitate degraded areas and to enhance farm-land management capability through the adoption of applied farm technology. The project proposed to develop a prototype of cost effective Contour-Hedgerow-Farming ( ... )
Viet nam
Project Number:   VIE/01/001 (P)
The primamry aims of the planning grant are to promote the participation of key stakeholders of the proposed project, including local authorities and relevant agencies and communties, and provide scientific assistance for the project development. ( ... )
Viet nam
Climate Change Mitigation
Project Number:   VIE/00/001
In southern central coastal provinces in Vietnam, including Binh Thuan, Ninh Thuan, Binh Dinh, Phu Yen, Khanh Hoa, Quang Ngai and Quang Nam, dry land degradation and droughts have resulted in a large area of barren and waste land. In these most arid ( ... )
Viet nam
Project Number:   VIE/01/003 (P)
The primamry aims of the planning grant are to promote the participation of key stakeholders of the proposed project, including local authorities and relevant agencies and communties, and provide scientific assistance for the project development. ( ... )
Viet nam
Project Number:   VIE/01/006 (P)
The primamry aims of the planning grant are to promote the participation of key stakeholders of the proposed project, including local authorities and relevant agencies and communties, and provide scientific assistance for the project development. ( ... )
Viet nam
Project Number:   VIE/01/005 (P)
The primamry aims of the planning grant are to promote the participation of key stakeholders of the proposed project, including local authorities and relevant agencies and communties, and provide scientific assistance for the project development. ( ... )
Viet nam
Project Number:   VIE/01/007 (P)
The primamry aims of the planning grant are to promote the participation of key stakeholders of the proposed project, including local authorities and relevant agencies and communties, and provide scientific assistance for the project development. ( ... )
Viet nam
Project Number:   VIE/01/008 (P)
The primamry aims of the planning grant are to promote the participation of key stakeholders of the proposed project, including local authorities and relevant agencies and communties, and provide scientific assistance for the project development. ( ... )
Burkina faso
Project Number:   BKF/01/10
contribuer a réduire les effets négatifs du comblement et de la pollution du fleuve Mouhoun sur la diversité biolique du fleuve et de ses rives par: La libération et la restauration des berges sur16ha; La pratique de l'apiculture comme ( ... )
Burkina faso
Project Number:   BKF /01 /12
Libérer et restaurer les berges du Mouhoun occupées par les maraîchers du GV Nongtaaba de Kamandéna par une relocation du jardin polyvalent,la protection/plantation des berges, la lutte contre la feux de brousse, les formations techniques pour ( ... )
Multifocal Area
Project Number:   CHI/01/12
Las Comunidades Agrícolas de la IV Región responden a un importante número de personas y de hectáreas de tierras en sectores áridos y semiárisods, son comunidades que se basan en la subsistencia partir de ganado caprino, agricultutra de ( ... )
Project Number:   POL/01/14
Protection of distribution sites, feeding-base and reproduction areas. Aiming for legal protection for most of the sites by creating ecological-use areas
Costa rica
Project Number:   COS/01/02
Se busca incrementar de manera sostenida los ingresos de las familias de más de 30 mujeres de la comunidad de Orocú, involucrándolas en el uso sostenible y racional de los recursos iguanas y garrobos, así como el desarrollo de pequenas ( ... )
Costa rica
Multifocal Area
Project Number:   COS/01/03
El objetivo principal de este proyecto es fortalecer la capacidad técnica y administrativa de las organizaciones socias y de las iniciativas financiadas por el PPD, para que por medio de la acción ambiental mejoren sus condiciones de vida. Debido ( ... )
Costa rica
Project Number:   COS/01/04
La Asociación Cabo Blanco es una ONG cuyo propósito es canalizar fondos en pro de la protección de los recursos que rodean la Reserva, así como la educación ambiental para los habitantes de los pueblos del distrito de Cóbano. Esta ( ... )
Costa rica
Project Number:   COS/01/05
PROAL a concentrado una serie de acciones enfocadas a buscar y crear la forma de usar los recursos de manera tal que no se dane la fragilidad de la naturaleza. Una de estas acciones ha sido la realización de investigaciones sobre la realidad ( ... )
Costa rica
Multifocal Area
Project Number:   COS/01/06
El proyecto tiene como objetivos la elaboración de Documentos de Proyectos a ser presentados para financiamiento al PPD, en los siguientes territorios Indígenas: Cabagra, Boruca, Salitre, Curré, Térraba, Abrojos Montezuma, Altos de San Antonio, ( ... )
Costa rica
Project Number:   COS/01/07
Este proyecto debe implementarse por cuanto la educacion puede conducir a la sensibilizacion, concientizacion y formacion de jovenes para afrontar exitosamente la problematica ambiental, social y economica de la region con base en las herramientas ( ... )
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