There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 1
Project Number: UGA/01/05 |
Budongo Forest is an escarpement to the east of lake Albert in Masindi District Western Uganda. It is threatened by extinction largely due to the very high human population around it that depends on it for new farm land and various products such as ( ... )
firewood, medicines, building materials and as a source of income. The project is a community-based initiative for the cultivation of the wild indigenous plant Ocimum. K. It is for the commercial production of essential oils for manufacture of Naturab, an aromatherapeutic product for alleviation of cold, flu, muscular aches, pains and relief of insect bite. The project benefits from experiences
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/01/02 |
Out of the other areas of the country Eastern Kazakhstan is really the most prominent in terms of the quantity and diversity of rare, endemic, medicinal and other plants. There are 400 rare and endangered species, 900 medicinal plants, plants used ( ... )
d industry and for technical purposes. These make 35% and 23% respectfully of the overall species diversity of said plants to be found in Kazakhstan. Medicinal, food and technical plants are widely used in medical, heavy, light, food, pharmaceutical, confectionery industries and are in commercial demand. Growing demand for plant raw materials, high cost and low living standard of local people are
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-01-31 |
Project?s objectives are:
1. Reducing energy consumption and improving energy efficiency in order to reduce carbon gases emissions.
2. Disseminating the usage of the highly efficient electrical devices.
3. Establishing a revolving fund program ( ... )
the poor people to utilize the new technologies. 4.Raising the environmental awareness of the local communities.
5. Training 15 technicians on how to install the new devices.
6. Achieving economic return to households as a result of reducing electricity
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/98/G52/016 |
Galkanda environment conservation project to implement :
reforestation of Galkanda forest patch, soil conservation, recording of flora and fauna of Galkanda, awareness raising and home garden development , income generation, propagation of agave ( ... )
ation in appropriate locations and conduct training on jute products.
The CBO works with small community groups in order to address issues identified by the villagers as being important for their sustainable living.
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/01/021 |
Plant watershed with indigeneous and friut trees, home garden developement, promote organic farming methods with training for villagers and distribute fuel efficient stoves. The remote village situated in the dry zone borders the conflict area and ( ... )
security problems. The scarcity of water for irrigation however is the main issue they would like to have solved.
Palestine, State of
Phase 2
Project Number: PAL/01/23 |
The project will contribute to improve the in-situ management of the land resources particularly the wild plants sp. In a multi-ecosystem site of mountain semiarid and wetland through:
Establishing educational and research garden to becomes as a ( ... )
nce model for conserving plants biodiversity and raising public awareness on conserving a wide range of endangered and threatened sp. In a multi-ecosystem location of mountain, semi arid and wetland, Protecting the varieties of wild, threatened and endangered ?fig? plant which grows naturally in the project site i.e. Ficus carica var. genuine, F. carica var. riparium, F. carica var. rupestris F.
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/01/011 |
Conservation of Alapalawala Neyinankada forest reserve through the implementation of the following activities - awareness raising of communities, soil conservation, home garden development; promoting fuel efficient stoves to minimize the use of ( ... )
od, recording traditional knowledge and introducing alternative income generating activities. Participation of school children in project acitivies through establishing school environment societies and herbal gardens in school premises and homes.
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-01-02 |
Surrounded by mountains, wetlands, marshes turning to salty steppes in summer, reedbeds, creeks and shrubs- the multiplicity of ecosistems it contains gives the Gökova plain its environmental importance. Researches between 1986- 2001 showed a loss ( ... )
area's more than 90 birdspecies, amongst them Coots, Smyrna Kingfishers and Garganey ducks; a decimation among the 10 mammal species' population (eg. Fishotters, Badgers); and a noticeable loss among reptiles and amphibes such as Striped Terrapins, Common Toads, Sheltopuskii and Agamae.Despite Gökova being a Specially Protected Area (SPA), reeds burning for poaching is still a local practice.
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/98/G52/015 |
Mobilization and formation of community groups around the reserve, identification and rehabilitation of severely degraded areas, home garden development through women's participation, alternative income generating activities through use of ( ... )
ative energies and conserving BD in the bufferzone villages of the Peniyawela forest reserve through community
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/CCF/IND/OP2/01/ASM04 |
The project was to create awareness among the school students to revive the traditional practices of the minor fruit plants in the community and establish demonstration and germplasm centers for the preservation of minor fruit plants. It ( ... )
orated awareness camps, plantation of seedlings, distribution of seedlings among the target groups; preparation of study materials of the minor fruit plants their environment and the biodiversity. The project also intended to involve eco-clubs and the local community organisations for community asset
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/98/G52/019 |
Destructive methods of fishing as a means of sustenance lead to destruction of the habitat and shallow water natural eco systems of coral reefs.
Objectives, activities:
Conserving marine biodiversity through a participatory and ( ... )
ated management system to implement, mobilization of communities, awareness and capacity building programmes and livelihood development
Controlling destructive fishing practices, conserving marine bio diversity, ensure food security and getting the community to comply with the regulations of the Fisheries Act
Arrest the degradation of marine eco systems, ensure the long term sustainability of
Palestine, State of
Phase 2
Project Number: PAL/01/18 |
The project will promote the use of this technique among 200 farmers in four villages in Jenine area. The target farmers will substitute the use of Bromide Metheal gas in controlling the agricultural pests and will demonstrate the effectiveness of ( ... )
w technique on the soil biodiversity, farmers health and the economic return of their
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/01/07-NOR |
Projects consists in to give support in the organizational and managerial training, of a group of women belong to the ethnic group Q´ekchi´, who began thier activities producing crafts, using like row material, the "tusa" (leaves that cover the ( ... )
n) and the stump of the banana tree, producing handmade paper.
To continue the process, they want to identify other alternatives of potential row material from wood tree. Also, they want to identify potential markets to sell their finished products. The main strategy will be the community participation and the training through workshops and hands-on activities to ensure the process is
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/01/02-PG-NOR |
To support the organizational and managerial invigoration of a group of women of the ethnic group Q´ekchi´ that have begun activities producing crafts starting from the tusa (cover of the fruit of the corn) and the stump of the banana tree, ( ... )
ing handmade paper for the crafts.
To continue the process, they want to identify other alternatives of material wooden and non wooden with handmade potential and markets for the commercialization of the the products to elaborate. The main strategy will be the community participation and the training through shops so that the process is sustainable and to strengthen the organization of the
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/01/16 |
Le projet de consolidation des acquis se réalise dans la commune de Ouroun et vient en renforcement des activités du projet « Initiatives paysannes pour la protection de l?environnement."
Objectifs spécifiques - Renforcer la dynamique de ( ... )
n concertée dans la commune
- Renforcer les capacités des structures villages dans la gestion de leur environnement
Activités - Production et plantation des miliers d?arbres
- Animation sensibilisation
- Formation sur la diversité
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/01/01 |
Capybara breeding and raising facilities implemented in the municipality of Jataí, state of Goiás, enabled the alliance of this activity to fish farming, thus adding value to products originating in the remaining Cerrado areas. This brings about a ( ... )
nomic alternative for the region, with a new model for diffusion of sustainable development technology. Fish culture activities will be enabled with this project, maximizing the potential for production in the regional rural properties. This will increase the professional level of the people involved, generating higher income for these families. Interchange among the pisciculturists will be
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/05/01 |
La idea de mejorar la eficiencia y productividad de los molinos tradicionales propulsados por energía hidraúlica, nace de los mismos comunarios por la necesidad que tienen éstos de transformar sus productos de grano (trigo, maíz, cebada, winapu, ( ... )
n harinas y pitos; asimismo, la optimización del tiempo en el uso de los molinos rústicos tradicionales de baja productividad; finalmente, impulsar el uso de tecnologías energéticas limpias como un medio para impulsar el desarrollo socioeconómico y mejorar las condiciones ambientales de la comunidad.
El proyecto, en resúmen pretende mejorar la cobertura y eficiencia del servicio de
Dominican republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/01/18 |
Instalación de una pequena hidroeléctrica en el arroyo El Arroyazo, que nace dentro de la Reserva Científica ébano Verde para proveer electricidad al Centro de Educación e Investigación Fernando Domínguez, de manera que facilite el desarrollo ( ... )
rama de capacitación y visitación con ecoturístico en el centro y la
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/09/01 |
El proyecto nace como necesidad prioritaria del pequeno agricultor de las comunidades beneficiarias de disponer agua para riego y garantizar de este modo su producción agrícola y seguridad alimentaria. Uno de los principales problemas que afectan ( ... )
roducción agropecuaria es la escacez de agua y el deterioro de sus parcelas agrícolas producto de la erosión de los suelos, lo que ocasiona bajos niveles de rendimiento, producción solo de autoconsumo, bajos precios de los productos, bajos ingresos económicos, migraciones temporales y/o definitivas; lo que redunda en el incremento de los niveles de pobreza.
Bajo ese marco se busca
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/01/13 |
La zone du projet est a proximité de Tombouctou dans une zone ayant été durement touché par la sécheresse.
Ce projet vise la consolidation des acquis du projet de pompe solaire de Bariz.
Il s?agit de la construction de deux bassins qui ( ... )
teront la pompe a eau solaire. Leurs caractéristiques sont :
- Dimension : 2 X 2 X 2 metres
- Matériaux : dur (ciment et parpins)
- Systeme de canalisation
Ces bassins permettront la reboissement et le maraichage par la population de la zone.