There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/99/03 |
Hudiara drain originates from Batala (District Gurdaspur - East India, Punjab) and after being joined by many tributaries in Amritsar and covering 40 Kms enters Pakistan near Laloo village. This drain which used to be a natural storm water nullah ( ... )
rries sewage water mingled with untreated industrial waste as it enters Pakistan taking the highly contaminated water to the river Ravi after travelling 55 Km.
This drain was originally a storm water drain. However, dumping of industrial and domestic wastewater has turned it into a perennial drain. Its annual average discharge at its confluence with the River Ravi is 178 cusecs. There are
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/98-083 |
Project development goal:
A wildlife trading system which regard to natural conservation concept.
Project objectives:
1.To stimulate common perception and to support the synergy of rules and regulations which regard to natural conservation ( ... )
n among potential stakeholders in wildlife trading
2.To support the socialization process of the Network programs, and enhance the information sharing among concerned and committed parties.
3.To stimulate the common perception toward the importance of program sustainability in the Network.
4.To evaluate and to draw program prioritizing of the Network.
Activities to be carried out under the
Phase 1
Project Number: MAR/95/G52/I/11 |
The project's main objective was to install in the young Mauritian population of around 7 to 15 years of age, a clear comprehension of the need to protect the coastal zone from environmental degradation through a card game. "Les 7 Familles du Bord ( ... )
" is a game where the players learn more about the coastal zone of Mauritius as each card presents a brief on the related coastal zone. The game was distributed as a free enclosure of a Sunday newspaper. Several sets of cards were also given to a specific school where a survey was carried out before and after distribution of the game to measure its impact. Schoolteachers were also involved in the
Phase 1
Project Number: BRA/98/13 |
?Sempre viva? flowers are native Cerrado species tiny in size and are traditionally dried and used for decorations. Collection of these flowers in the state of Minas Gerais is an extractive activity which has taken place for many years. Successful ( ... )
cialization of the flowers created much interest in the activity, decimating the natural occurrence of the species in the Cerrado fields. The use of fire was considered necessary for reproduction of the plants once their flowers had been collected. This project has the objective of establishing sustainable management techniques for these flowers, adding to ecological and socio-economic research,
Phase 1
Project Number: BRA/98/14 |
It is no longer possible for Xavante women to collect fruit as they used to in the Tanguro Village, Nova Xavantina municipality, state of Mato Grosso. Cerrado fruit and roots can no longer be collected due to degradation of an area cleared by ( ... )
s for agriculture. Recovery of the vegetation supply and improvement of its quality is the goal of this project, rescuing Xavante traditions and guaranteeing food security and generation of income through the women?s work. Seeds will be collected for the realization of the planned activities, and reproduced for later
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/98-066 |
Project goal:
To conserve biodiversity and to increase community?s income through planting and sustainable cultivating of high value Tengkawang trees
Project objectives:
1.To raise community?s awareness on conservation effort
2.To raise ( ... )
ity?s participation on conservation activities
3.To improve community?s capability in managing available lands
4.To improve the productivity of available lands
5.To provide alternative source of income for local community
6.To increase community?s welfare
7.To conserve biodiversity by planting local plant variety
Project activities to be carried out:
a)Survey on natural
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF INS/YBUL/97-032 |
Project goal:
To preserve population of tropical local fruits varieties, through stimulating the conservation awareness of the local community and maximizing the utilization of unproductive lands.
Project objective :
1. To conserve ( ... )
ersity through the active participation of local community;
2. To increase the participation of the community in utilizing unproductive lands;
3. To provide a pilot for the community in replicating demoplot to a larger areas;
4. To establish a picnic ground (fruits garden) for holidays to be visited by local or urban inhabitants;
5. To provide potential alternative source of income for local
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/98-064 |
Project goal:
Avoiding further exploitation on endangered and protected animals, especially to the most traded bird species
Project objectives:
1.To provide clear information on endangered and protected bird species, which are available in the ( ... )
, to the stakeholders
2.To raise awareness of the trading stakeholders on conservation effort
3.To raise stakeholders participation on conservation effort
4.To avoid further trading of well known endangered and protected bird species
5.To compile the most informative guide book on endangered and protected bird species, which is user friendly
6.To disseminate clear information to potential
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/97-038 |
Project goal:
To strengthen community based small scale industry (with regards to environmental conservation effort as well as a potential source of income), which could finally increase community?s bargaining position toward local government ( ... )
in managing fresh water ecosystem (in this case : river).
Project objective (including GEF problem area addressed by project) :
1. To introduce and enhance fish culture system, as a way to prevent the population of the fish in Ogan river;
2. To develop the skill of the community in fish breeding and culture;
3. To provide institutional strengthening activities for the local co-operative
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF INS/YBUL/97-033 |
Project goal:
Sustainable utilization of marine resources and its conservation through strengthening house-wife group as new alternative source of income.
Project objective :
1. To enhance the productivity of the coastal community in ( ... )
ation of marine resources;
2. To conserve the inhabitant island from erosion and abrasion;
3. To establish a new source of income;
4. To increase the quality of live of the community.
Activities to be carried out under the project :
1. Preparation.
a) Training module preparation;
b) Socialization of the project plan to the community;
c) Farming preparation.
2. Local training
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF INS/YBUL/97-035 |
Project goal:
To conserve natural resources (in this case : biodiversity) in protected forest.
Project objective :
1. To conserve biodiversity through planting local as well as productive plants;
2. To decrease community dependency on ( ... )
?s resources (trees/branches) to be used as fire wood;
3. To increase local community participation in natural resources and energy conservation;
4. To decrease biomass/farming waste and turn it into potential raw material for briquette
5. To develop alternative energy source from biomass and produce briquette
6. To provide alternative energy source to be used for community
7. To provide
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: MAR/95/G52/I/16 |
GEF Small Grants Programme (Planning Grant)
1. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is proposing to consider the financing of a project proposed by the "Association Des 1I0is d'Agalega (AlA)" under the Global Environment Facility Small ( ... )
Programme (GEF/SGP). AlA is a registered NGO at the Registrar of Associations of Mauritius and can benefit from the GEF/SGP scheme.
2. A Planning Grant has been allocated to the AlA, C/o the Outer Islands Development Corporation (OIDC) in order to undertake a feasibility study on a project on "Solar Refrigerators for Indigenous Community of Agalega Island" which will consists of the
Phase 1
Project Number: KAZ/98/01 |
Now the apple forests of the Zailijskij-Alatau are represented with three wild species of apple tree: Malus sieversii, M. kirghisorum and M. niedzwetzkyana. Among them, M. sieversii included in Red Data Book, is most widely spread, forming large ( ... )
enosae in the bottom of the Northern slope of the Zailijskij-Alatau. Earlier, wild apple trees were much more widely distributed in the steppe zone of the Zailijskij-Alatau Mountains. However, now the numbers of apple trees are extremely reduced as a result of many years' felling of precious wood by local people and using apple forests as pastures. Also apple trees suffer from hay-making, soil
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: PPS-08-98 |
To provide stakeholders with training opportunities for the implementation of a revolving fund for organic coffee production and the maintenance of traditional biological richness of shade for this plantations. This project has been designed to ( ... )
hen the traditional biological richness of coffee plantations and the promotion of organic farming practices to improve commercialization options for small coffee producers on the watershed of the Lake Atitlán protected
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: MEX/97/15 |
Garantizar la continuidad de los proyectos de agroforestería y permacultura insertos en el Plan de Desarrollo de la Zona de los Chenes, a través del soporte administrativo-contable necesario para mantener la estabilidad de nuestra práctica ( ... )
zacional, y con ello, la eficacia y eficiencia de la organización pivote, en su objetivo de detener la frontera agrícola; fomentar la diversidad de especies y la integralidad de acciones en parcelas y solares
Phase 1
Project Number: ECU/98/007 |
Apply alternative production and agroforestry systems to traditional management practices of soils, forests and other natural resources, so as to contribute to the improvement of the campesino families? economies; recover forest vegetation, ( ... )
ersity and soils, and protect natural water supplies.
Operational phase
Dutch & GEF
Phase 1
Project Number: ECU/98/006 |
Reduce the pressure exerted on the Molleturo-Mullopungo forest area and its protecting vegetation through wild biodiversity conservation and agroforestry efforts in the campesino communities of Chaupitranca that are currently facing strong pressure ( ... )
Operational phase
Dutch & GEF
Phase 1
Project Number: ECU/98/004 |
Generate forest conservation and recovery efforts through alternative activities that, without damaging the forests, will allow sustainable development activities for campesino family livelihood.
Operational phase
Dutch & GEF contribution |
Phase 1
Project Number: MLI/97/14 |
Réintroduction d'especes sylvicole autochtone menacée de disparition a travers la création de bois villageois par village en niche écologique.
Avec l?intensification du phénomene de la désertification, les zones arides et semi-arides gagnent ( ... )
ain chaque année. La zone du projet avec sa situation de proximité par rapport au Sahel est de plus en plus menacée. Ce phénomene ajouté a l?action destructrice de l?homme transforme peu a peu le paysage jadis de savane arborée a un paysage herbeux.
Ce projet découle de l?impact de l?initiative féminine financée par le FEM/PNUD dans le village de Goumanko..
Données sur le
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/98-081 |
Project goal:
Maximizing the uses of horse dung as raw material for biogas system
Project objectives:
1.To provide alternative energy source for community small scale industry (restaurants)
2.To raise community?s awareness on conservation ( ... )
3.To raise community?s participation on conservation activities
4.To increase income for horse owners by providing alternative income source
5.To make use horse waste as a potential energy source
6.To develop a simple and operation friendly biogas facility to be maintained by community
7.To be a sample of alternative energy facility for larger community
8.To conserve conventional energy