There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 1
Project Number: MAR/95/G52/18 |
This project has experienced lots of difficulties and is delyed due to lack of committment of NGO. It is proposed to close the project before the end of 2005 if nothing is done.
This project aims to conserve, re-introduce, propagate and sell ( ... )
c and indigenous ornamental plants. A portion of land of the extent of 1A12 at State land Malherbe, Wooton has exceptionally been allocated to the Mauritius Girl Guides Association in order to implement this project. The grant allocated by GEF/SGP will mainly be used to create jobs for four local people who will be responsible for the day to day care of the ornamental seedlings and plants. It
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP1/99/OR04 |
The goal of the project was to involve the local people, especially women to protect the degrading eco-system through generating awareness about the renewable energy devices viz. biogas, smokeless chullah, and introducing the community to activities ( ... )
ganic compost, plantation of fuel wood, organise thrift and credit groups for the self employment opportunity to make the community self-reliant and
Palestine, State of
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: PAL/99/04 |
The project promots the application of hybrid system of solar and wind energy for domestic and public electrification in the boarder village in Innabl Al Kabear in Hebron in the southren area of the Palestinian Authority.The project enables 10 ( ... )
of 64 inhabitants, the mosque and the school to use 24/h eclectricity services as a sustainable alternative to the old deasil generator. Also, the project gives a special focus on raising community awareness on energy effeciency and saving techniques and peovids training on system manitenance for members of the community
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/99/01 |
During realization of the first stage of the project a number of difficulties which NGOs collide with in the process of realization of different activities have been revealed.
1) NGOs leaders have a poor understanding of what monitoring is, what ( ... )
necessary for, and how monitoring results can be used in the NGOs activity. Besides, there is a lack of accessible methodical literature in Russian and in Kazakh.
2) NGOs don't successfully involve resources into the projects, they are not able to develop evident presentation materials and arrange success information campaign and to draw attention of journalists.
3) NGO leaders don't possess
Phase 2
Project Number: GEF-JOR-98-G52-02 |
The project involves installation of drought resistant landscaping on a site, dating back to the Umayyad period and occupied during the Ottoman and the recent Fallahi periods, to demonstrate traditional natural resource management practicies in an ( ... )
o semi-arid area in the East Mediterranean ecosystem comlementing ,at the same time, the restoration of a significant historical and archaeolgical site. The project has cleaned up and rehabilitated several historical cisterns on site, has made significant discoveries and is working on re-creating the xeriscape patterns in the
Phase 1
Project Number: KEN-GEF-98-009 |
The NGO will establish a facility depicting different species of quarry plants and create a suitable stony habitat for them for educational purposes. The NGO will also create a new indigenous Nairobi forest to replace the exotic trees currently ( ... )
ing the grounds of National Museums of Kenya,
Phase 2
Project Number: PPS-19-99 |
To recover and preserve two highly endangered high altitude tree species through community participation on tree nursery and forest enrichment activities. This project consists on a series of training workshops on tree nursery establishment, ( ... )
ered tree species ecology and forest enrichment methods. Additionally, training on sustainable use of forest resources and its commercialization will be given. Following the described training activities, field actions will complement them to give a sustainable use of the forest resources and tree nursery and forest enrichment actions will be
Phase 1
Project Number: SGP/CCF/IND/OP1/99/UP04 |
Ringaal is an easy to work bamboo species that grows in a short duration around villages in the lower reaches of the hill state of Uttaranchal. With over exploitation the growth aspects have not been addressed of this otherwise highly regenerative ( ... )
This has resulted in the community involved with its value addition going deeper and deeper into the forest regions to source the material, reducing their time that could be devoted to craft making that they specialize in. As a result, many craftspersons have ended up seeking alternate means of revenue earning, though not necessarily with success.
Decreased availability of the three daily
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: ECU/99/007 |
Características biofísicas de la zona:
Altitud: 2600 msnm ? 3000 msnm.
Formación ecológica: bosque húmedo ? Montano Bajo
Recurso manejado:
El proyecto cubre zonas donde se hallan remanentes de bosques primarios e intervenidos de ( ... )
e se han extraído las especies más valiosa.
De estos bosques nacen las vertientes que alimentan al canal principal del proyecto de riego Tres Quebradas ? Gañil que dota de agua a 104 familias; sin embargo para lograr la sostenibilidad de este proyecto, es preciso realizar un manejo adecuado de la vertiente de la microcuenca.
En esta zona se continúa incrementando la frontera
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: SGP/CCF/IND/OP1/99/OR06 |
The project was concern to restore the Chilika ecology by reducing water logging and salinity of cropland arise due to extensive prawn culture in and around the lake. The emphasis has given to promote organic manure and bio- fertilizers instead of ( ... )
ation of chemical fertilizer and pesticides for sustainable farming and to study the existing features of the Chilika and the salinity problems of cropland. It is proposed to take up suitable steps for cleaning, deepening and widening of drainage channels, introduce composite Pisciculture and fresh water aquaculture, organise training programme, and strengthening the people?s
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/99/03 |
The main aim of the project is rising of sensibility and awareness of local community and state institutions about the great importance of impact assessment on Anthropogenic Actions in Biodiversity in the area Korca-Bilisht.
An detailed estimation ( ... )
field will be carried out about anthropogenic uncontrolled activities in Prespa Lake ecosystem. A technique-scientific report will be compiled on the consequences of anthropogenic impact as well as some key ways and means will be proposed to prevent these damages and to protect the area. A 'Platform' will be drafted on possible future economic developments of the area.
Strong public awareness
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: PPS-17-99 |
To diminish water courses pollution through the establishment of agroforestry systems under organic farming management and soil conservation techniques and methods. This project consists on a series of training workshops on agroforestry systems ( ... )
opical native species of fruit bearing trees, use of green soil coverage and organic farming techniques, at four communities located at the low trench of watersheds of rivers of international importance and that are efluents to a RAMSAR wetland, Suchiate and
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/00/01p |
Preparation of inventory of schools with high potential for multiple functions (school, training and cultural center for local community); promotion of renewable energy in selected places;
this inventory and selection based on local capacity helped ( ... )
in 2001-2002 interventions and finding good local
Phase 2
Project Number: BHU/99/03 |
Through this project, 30 households living in Trong and Shongar will work collectively to conserve and regenerate their local watershed.
The Shingneer Community comprising of about thirty households were facing an acute shortage of clean/safe ( ... )
ng water due to the degradation of land which led to the drying of water sources in the area due to loss of biodiversity.
The above project was completed on time July 2000. The objectives were realized through increased volume of water supply by conserving the water sources and carrying out lots of plantation work. The impact was at a national level as this project was displayed at the RNR
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/99/02 |
The project is an emissions reduction project by enhancing the efficiency of biomass fuel utilisation and reduction of green house gases. The general objective of the project is to bring about reduction in greenhouse emissions that lead to global ( ... )
g. The specific objective is defined as a reduction in the use of fuel wood for cooking purposes and consequently the amount of harmful gas emissions from open fire cooking.
The rationale behind the project is to save energy, fuel and time through the use of the fuel-efficient stove; improve women?s health by bettering environmental conditions at home; and transfer appropriate and safe
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: KEN-GEF-98-007 |
In this proejct, SCODE will install solar lighting in 100 homes in Bahati area of Nakuru. This will be to demonstrate the potential and replicability of solar photovoltaic systems and enable the community have access to solar lighting and provide an ( ... )
g environment for school going children by enabling them study at home using solar
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/99/01 |
The main aim of the project is to invest at the Administration and Education Center - Prespa National Park with particular attention shifting in solar energy use for general heating as an alternative for protection and renewal of natural resources. ( ... )
rea is considered favorable in terms of geographical position for implementing sucs an idea.Strong awareness campaigns will be developed in order to aware local community on the advantages of solar heating as the alternative for protection of natural wealth in the zone. An exhibition and a seminar will be organised with a wide participation of local community, GEF/SGP and ECAT-Tirana. The main
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: NEP/98/G52/03 |
Under the Home Employment & Lighting Package (HELP), Solar Village Electrification Demonstration (SOVED) Program targets the grassroots level communities. These people generally rely on firewood from nearby forests for lighting, cooking and even ( ... )
rning additional income for their survival in the village. This has huge impact on the household as well global environment. Burning firewood for cooking and lighting fills the house with toxic fume and smoke, inviting respiratory diseases.
The program encourages to use villagers' skill to produce handicrafts in order to pay the solar system's cost. It also provides skill enhancement training
Phase 1
Project Number: PER/98/03 |
El bosque seco ecuatorial es un bioma {unico en el mundo y se extiende al Sur de Ecuador y Norte de Perú. Gran parte de este bosque fue destruido por incendios forestales durante 1998, con la consecuente repercusión en la pérdida de la diversidad ( ... )
ica y el deterioro de la calidad de vida de la comuidad. El Proyecto estuvo orientado a recuperar el banco de germoplasma de las especies arbóreas y arbustiva sde la zona, así como implementar un sistema de vigilancia para controlar la tala indiscriminada y los incendios forestales, al mismo tiempo de sensibilizar a la comunidad sobre la importancia del ecosistema y el uso sostenible de los
Phase 1
Project Number: BZE/98/06 |
The Rancho Dolores Environmental and Development Group is a newly registered community based organization. It is dedicated to the social and economic development of Rancho Dolores Village and the area surrounding the community.
Planners and ( ... )
vationists are exploring ideas aimed at balancing the need for economic and social development and the conservation of natural resources. This project strives to step away from the dangers associated with eco-tourism by putting community ownership and stewardship as the first priority, and tourism as the second. Community-based conservation is a broad concept that strives to incorporate local