There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/97-024 |
Project goal:
To strengthen the economic condition of the community live surround Mt. Rinjani National Park?s buffer zone. The strong alternative income activities will hopefully reduce the dependency of the community of National Park?s nature ( ... )
ces. The success story will be based for the next policy of the national park to be implemented, especially in the concern of clear border line in buffer zone.
Project objective :
1.To develop community based economic activity, which could be reliable as primary source of income
2.To reduce the dependency of local community from national park?s nature resources by providing an alternative
Phase 1
Project Number: BRA/98/08 |
Debates will be promoted with the community and proposals will be presented for recovery of degraded areas and sustainable economic activities for the gold-prospecting population in the Paraguai River spring area. Influencing public policies at the ( ... )
level toward these objectives is also planned. This will contribute to the conservation of the biodiversity and water resources in the municipalities of Alto Paraguai, Diamantino, Nortelândia, and Arenápolis, in the state of Mato Grosso. Soil degradation processes resulting in erosion and silting up in the region. Information, environmental education, and sustainable economic activities will be
Phase 1
Project Number: TUR-98-05 |
Promotion and capacity building for production of Pictacia lentiscus L. to obtain a sustainable livelihood product, which is the natural gum. The project can be considered more of a sustainable livelihood opportunity than a biodiversity ( ... )
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/98-076 |
Project goal:
Adoption of environmentally friendly technology in agriculture activities
Project objectives:
1.To increase community capability in managing their agriculture land which is friendly to the environment
2.To bring back the ( ... )
ity of agricultural land
3.To reduce the rate of infertility on agricultural land and avoid it to become critical
4.To reduce the rate of land selling by local community as an impact of economic stressing
5.To conserve agricultural land as well as local biodiversity
6.To provide alternative income generating source
7.To increase community welfare
8.To reduce local community dependency on
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/98-077 |
Project goal:
To maximize agriculture product in very limited area with the implementation of environmentally friendly agriculture system.
Project objectives:
1.To identify local potential resources (have ecological and economical value) to ( ... )
ify food
2.To improve community skill in sustainable agriculture system
3.To reduce artificial inputs in agriculture activities
4.To strengthen community?s economic activities through cooperative management
5.To bring back the fertility of agricultural land
6.To improve the productivity of agricultural land
7.To conserve agricultural land by implementing organic farming system
Phase 1
Project Number: MLI/97/11 |
Projet intégré de protection de l'environnement prévoyant la mise en place d'une niche écologique pour les oiseaux.
Vivant sur ces terres jadis combien fertiles, les populations de N?Togosso sont confrontées depuis plus de deux décennies a ( ... )
gradation progressive de leur environnement : baisse de la production et de la productivité consécutive a la baisse de la fertilité des terres due a l?érosion, déboisement pour l?extension des terres de culture et pour le bois d?oeuvre et de chauffe non accompagné d?action compensatrices; épuisement du sol; pénurie alimentaire due aux tres grandes pertes causées par les oiseaux ravageurs
Phase 1
Project Number: MLI/97/19 |
Acitvités orientées vers la gestioin des ressources naturelles appuyees par le maraichage, alphabetisation.
- Renforcer la capacité des villageois a la l?aménagement et a la gestion des ressources naturelles;
- Améliorer le ( ... )
de compréhension des bénéficiaires par l?alphabétisation;
- Améliorer le niveau de vie des membres de l?organisation par les activités génératrices de revenus, de restauration des sols.
Activites :
- Plantation forestiere
- Restauration et protection de la foret villageoise.
- Maraîchage.
Papua new guinea
Phase 1
Project Number: PNG/98/13 |
The project recieved USD19, 289.34 from the SGP to set up an environment management plan that can be adhered to by the affected community so that they can manage their resources and sustain them for the future.
The activities carried out were ( ... )
ops, tree planting, survey of the marine and terrestrial flora and fauna. The data were documented for later use and also for conservation and development purposes.
The sustainability of the project was uncertain after SGP funding. The project was completed and further development from the data and surveys conducted in the area are uncertain. The progressive reports indicated that the
Phase 1
Project Number: GHA/98/034 |
The Red Volta River and the forest reserves bordering it serve as the main corridor for the movement of wildlife, particularly elephants, between Ghana and Burkina Faso. Unfortunately, because these forest reserves are degraded, they are unable to ( ... )
t the herds of elephants that lately come out of the reserve and raid the farms of the fringe communities leading to human-elephant conflicts and the killing of the elephants. This study assessed the population size and distribution of the elephants along the river in particular and the Northeastern corner of Ghana in general. It also mapped out the high risk areas for better management of the
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: TRI/95/G52/2101/005 |
Contracted services of NGO to assist in day-to-day coordination of GEF/SGP activities in Suriname |
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: TRI/95/G52/2101/009 |
Contracted services of NGO to assist in day-to-day coordination of GEF/SGP activities in Suriname |
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: MLI/97/17 |
Echanges d?expériences entre les parties prenantes au FEM.
Le Programme de Petites Subventions du Fonds pour l?Environnement Mondial (PPS/FEM) depuis son démarrage en 1993 a financé 19 projets durant la phase pilote et 16 au stade actuel de la ( ... )
opérationnelle. Dans le souci de partager les expérience de terrain et d?une bonne visibilité, le SECO-ONG initie cet atelier qui regroupera pendant deux jours les parties prenantes : populations bénéficiaires, ONG intermédiaires, services techniques, membres du comité de pilotage, partenaires financiers.
Données sur le projet
Description Echanges d?expériences entre les parties
Sri lanka
Phase 1
Project Number: SRL/95/G52/003 |
Establishment of herbal nurseries with a central nursery of 6000 herbal plants and 30 herbal gardens in 30 dhamma Schools (religious) in the first year and develop 1500 home gardens with medicinal plants of selected students. Conduct 30 training ( ... )
ops for 1500 students in the 30 (30 x 50) Dhamma schools. Popularise Ayurveda system of medicine through the above activities and document knowledge of physicians who have gained the knowledge through a family
Sri lanka
Phase 1
Project Number: SRL/95/G52/016 |
The people in the villages of Kalawana have been experiencing the ill effects of land clearing over the past few years. There is not adequate rainfall despite being 3500ft above mean sea level, and when it does rain, the soil is eroded as ( ... )
posed. The natural springs have started running dry
Main Activities:
Initiate a community managed forest cover, to safeguard the surface soil and underground springs and community managed Medicinal Plant Garden covering the water catchment areas, enhance awareness on dangers of de-forestration among the youth and teenage school children
To protect water sources, springs, catchments of water
Sri lanka
Phase 1
Project Number: SRL/95/G52/026 |
Catchment areas in the Matale district is rapidly reducing due to-
Pinus plantation in the barren lands of the Central hills,
The resulting infertile land due to monoculture of tea for long periods, being invaded
by ( ... )
species later on and setting of fire,
The human settlement in those areas.
Objectives, activities
Watershed protection and development of catchment areas by planting mixed species of trees in the central hills of Sri Lanka.
Development through reforestation of 50 acres of watershed area in each of the 2 DS divisions.
Awareness raising among the communities living on the hill tops and
Papua new guinea
Phase 1
Project Number: PNG/98/14 |
A grant of US$6028.45 has been appropriated for use by a community group who are the rightfull land and resource owners of the Balek Wildlife Sanctuary. The Wildlife Sanctuary is a National Government Conservation site although land and resources ( ... )
to the people of the Balek Community. Recently the people through frustration because of lack of development in their community decided to invite loggers into the site. As a means of preserving the presting site the GEF SGP decided to assist he people by providing a grant for eco tourist activities just at the entrance to the sirte. This includes traditional dancing, board walk , naming of
Phase 1
Project Number: POL/98/05 |
Increase of bat population through improvement of condition of their wintering in post-Soviet bunkers in Wilkocin.
Huge complex of strategic bunkers of Soviet Army was left by them in 1992; then year by year growing population of bats were ( ... )
ed. Foundation "Green Action" obtained permission from new owner of these objects - Forest Authority for adaptation work for securing wintering stands for bats and development of tourist
Phase 1
Project Number: POL/98/02p |
Improvement of project proposal submitted by Lublin Ornithological Society (information of potential places of intervention) and training of volunteers involved in project implementation.Corrections prepared on NC GEF/SGP request. |
Phase 1
Project Number: POL/98/02 |
The main project goal is protection of Bee Eater in south-east Poland, one of the most rare bird species in Poland.
Project activities:
? Stock-taking of bee eater nesting places;
? Monitoring of number and breeding success of bee ( ... )
? Maintaining proper parameters in the occupied slopes through: cutting shrubs, forming proper shape of
Sri lanka
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: SRL/95/G52/002 |
Print a bi-annual journal in the two languages sinhala and tamil i.e. 8 journals in two years on the two themes - bio-diversity and climate change for distribution and sale, create awareness among the school children on GEF themes, encourage ( ... )
ation of nature, and enhance quality of writing skills of