There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 1
Project Number: ZIM/92/G52/029 |
The project is located in the District of Chimanimani , Ward 20.It is located in area where food is a problem.This project arose out of recognition of the food and degredatin problems faced in the area.It is aimed to combat these problems through ( ... )
omotion of sustainable resource use,regeneration of tree species ,soi lconservation and livelihood improvement.
project objectives
* to practise sustainable land managementand biodivesity conservation
*to improve food security and initiate income generating projects that will improve the standard of living of the residents.
*to control gullies and erosion in the area
*to generate funds
International Waters
Phase 1
Project Number: THA/98/G24 |
The Gulf of Thailand is rated as one of the richest sea in the world. Its coastal ecosystem comprises mangrove ,marine species and coral offering a secured settlement.
At present, the ecosystem of the gulf has been affected by the ( ... )
stainable development projects. Such projects have turned the once- rich and clean gulf into the sea of pollution . It is the result of conflict in utilizing coastal areas for agriculture and industry in conjunction with growing human settlement. These changing situation has caused the degradation of the ecosystem and quality of life of communities. The degradation is apt to affect wider area
International Waters
Phase 1
Project Number: TUR-98-07 |
Establishment of a sewerage and treatement system for Hacimahmutlu Village (Doganli, Sinop) ensuring the collective work of the villagers. |
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: ECU/98/003 |
CaracterÃsticas biofÃsicas de la zona:
Altitud: 1680 msnm ? 2400 msnm.
Formación ecológica: bosque húmedo-Montano Bajo y bosque húmedo-Premontano
CaracterÃsticas socio económicas de la población:
Es una comunidad de antigua ( ... )
³n, se encuentra organizada en torno a la Asociación de Productores Agroforestales ASOPAFT, conformada por 32 familias con un promedio de 5 has. a cada una. La comunidad en general es pobre, teniendo como actividad económica principal la agricultura y en pequeña escala la ganaderÃa, cuya producción la destinan mayormente al autoconsumo con pocos excedentes para comercializar; estos
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-JOR-95-G52-12 |
The project promoted local community awareness and involvement in forest management and planting herb gardens as a source of supplementary income in a forest area threatened by increased urbanization close to the capital of the country, Amman. ( ... )
s of the proponent in the project area participated in the implementation of the project. the Municipality of Na'ur provided support to the project. NGO's capacities to manage environmental projects have been strengthened and the awareness of its members raised through teh activities of this project.
Through this project, JNFW's members, who are spread all over the country, were sensitized of
International Waters
Phase 1
Project Number: THA/98/G07 |
A community approach to slow down the degradation rate of highland soil and watershed area of the Nan River-one of the 4 tributaries of the Chao Phraya River draining into the Gulf of Thailand - by practising proven integrated farming techniques , ( ... )
ng capacity of target population and establishing community learning
Sri lanka
Phase 1
Project Number: SRL/95/G52/004 |
Develop home gardens by manufacturing compost using market and household waste. Arrest soil erosion of plots of 30 selected farmers in 3 villages through composting. At the same time manage disposal of solid waste of the sunday fair by requesting ( ... )
nicipality to transport the waste to farmer plots, where the farmers sort the waste for composting. A plant nursery was established in a five acre plot. Awareness raising on environment issues such as global warming and promotion of planting trees. Competition among home garden growers with emphasis on growing tuber varieties as a way of increasing biodiversity.
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: PPS-22-97 |
Judges and law enforcement agents training on Guatemala?s environmental law. Objectives: To provide regional and local law enforcing authorities (judges, fiscals, police officials, governmental agencies authorities) with adequate information ( ... )
national and international environmental laws. /This project will develop training workshops and materials with an appropriate technical level to support environmental law enforcement in the SGP region of work. This includes the production and publication of a specific Manual and related training
Phase 1
Project Number: ECU/98/009 |
CaracterÃsticas biofÃsicas de la zona:
El bosque de Pacoche constituye el último remanente de este tipo de vegetación en el Cantón Manta y el único refugio de especies de flora y fauna que habitan en la zona y están en peligro de ( ... )
recer. Este bosque como parte de los bosques occidentales se caracteriza por sus altos niveles de endemismo. Además por sus caracterÃsticas particulares, este remanente boscoso es un regulador del clima de la región del cual se originan las fuentes de agua para las 8 comunidades asentadas alrededor de esta zona. El área está ubicada en el sistema de colinas y montañas del Cabo de San
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: GHA/98/029 |
Fuelwood and charcoal together constitute over 80 % of the country?s energy consumption. Charcoal consumption is more prevalent in the urban areas with more than 70 % of urban households depending on this source for cooking. In 1996, it was ( ... )
ted that the annual consumption was about 800,000 tonnes. The traditional coalpot is the main cooking device that is used by households and this device is only about 18 % efficient. The Ahibenso, however is reported by the Ministry of Energy to be 39 % efficient and save between 35 40 % of charcoal compared to the traditional coalpot. Baseline studies of this project showed that of a total of 200
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: GHA/98/036 |
The objective of the project is to promote the adoption of energy efficiency measures and technologies among Ghanaian industries so as to conserve energy, save money and reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. The project provided relevant ( ... )
ation on the benefits/costs of proven energy efficient technologies to industrial manager so they can make informed choices and investments with regards to technology types. Middle level managers and technical staff were also given training on the application of proven energy efficient technologies and were exposed to case studies of successful energy management industries to appreciate the cost
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/98-063 |
Project goals or objective (including GEF problem area addressed by project) :
1. To identify donor agencies funding availability
2. To identity the scope of funding of donor agencies
3. To provide a tool to information sharing and problem ( ... )
g alternatives for
the donor
4. To strengthen the method of next steps plan, especially for GEF-SGP
5. To seek collaboration possibility in any aspects (project co-funding, co-
funding monitoring, project selection, technical assistance etc)
6. To build and maintain network among donors
7. A tool of lessons learned
Activities to be carried out under project
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: TUN/95/G52/07 |
Le projet vise à :
* Améliorer la conscience environnementale et la sensibilité à la protection des ressources naturelles du Cap Bon (Terrestres et marines)
* Promouvoir les techniques et les méthodes de gestion durable dans ( ... )
* Promouvoir l?Éducation à l'environnement dans les établissements scolaires
* Promouvoir l'Eco-tourisme et du tourisme culturel dans la région du Cap Bon.
Les activités du projet sont :
* Création d'un centre d'initiation à la protection de l'environnement et à la gestion durable au Cap Bon
* Réalisation d'une exposition sur la Biodiversité du Cap Bon:
Phase 1
Project Number: MLI/97/20 |
Projet de renforcement de capacité pour la protection de l'environnement dans 7 villages de Kéléya.
- Accompagner les populations dans leurs initiatives en les informant sur la dégradation de l'environnement observée.
- Favoriser ( ... )
gence d'un cadre de concertation villageois par rapport a la protection des forets naturelles
- Contribuer a l'amélioration et a la restauration des terres par l'initiation des populations aux techniques appropriées
- La responsabilisation des populations pour attenuer les pratiques d'exploitations anarchique des ressources de la foret.
Activites :
- Information Education Communication
Cote d'ivoire
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: IVC/95/G52/003 |
Dans la ville d'Abidjan, il existe un commerce alimentaire bien connu: la vente de grillades diverses (boeuf, mouton, poulet...). Ces grillades sont cuites sur des fourneaux sommaires constitués de demi-fûts métalliques ouverts sur un côté ( ... )
l'intérieur desquels brule un feu de bois. La viande est mise à cuire sur une plaque métallique percée de trous et placée sur le fourneau. Ce système traditionel consomme énormément de bois de chauffe et entraîne des pertes de chaleur.
le présent projet vise à équiper 10% des vendeurs de grillade de la commune d'Abidjan en fours améliorés très économes en feu
Phase 1
Project Number: OP-18.98-L |
The project aims to institutionalize efforts in governance using the coastal areas as venue. With the mangrove forest intact, it is easy to catch shells and small fish to tide over one's hunger.
Technical training was also part of the whole ( ... )
of formation. The framework of capability building of the people should be achieved: how to form; educate; get their participation; analyze life; and analyze the environment.
Overall, this framework inculcates in the people the love for the local community as well as the natural resources, and helps them to manage and conserve the natural resources, and helps environment of the place. The
International Waters
Phase 1
Project Number: THA/98/G22 |
Sine its inception in 1990, the Integrated Farming Techniques Promotion Project has been
continuously undertaking environmental development activities. The project has been facing a few utmost environmental problems i.e. overuse of chemical ( ... )
nce in manufacturing and agricultural process and unregulated exploitation of natural resources. After washing and draining into the water bodies , the chemical residue applied in agricultural practices are imposing threats to the water species as well as human beings. The number of fishes dying of chemical effect is increasing every year. There has been no agencies taking responsibility to cope
Sri lanka
Phase 1
Project Number: SRL/95/G52/040 |
Excessive use of agro chemicals is one reason which has led to degradation of land in this area.
Domestic waste is commonly dumped in public places polluting the environment and poses a threat of harmful diseases being spread.
Firewood ( ... )
d as the main energy source which as a result destroys the forest resource.
Objectives, activities, groups involved
Introducing of composting and alternative energy sources in the dry zone of the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka.
Introduction of composting and alternative energy sources in place of firewood.
Awareness raising on its importance.
40 selected families to be trained and
Sri lanka
Phase 1
Project Number: SRL/95/G52/022 |
Deforestation due to massive developmental projects around the area. Excessive use of chemical fertilizer threatening the bio diversity in the region.
Approx 10,000 farming families are facing severe economic problems due to the land ( ... )
ing utilized wisely.
Objectives, activities
Home garden development in Mahaweli settler villages, introduce sustainable farming methods, manufacturing of organic fertilizers, distribute plants and energy efficient stoves.
Introduce sustainable farming methods such as organic farming; make compost pits in every land plot in which these methods are implemented.
Conduct awareness programmes
Phase 1
Project Number: TUR-98-06 |
The Project aimed to execute an inventory of plants species and medicinal plants in the Southeastern Anatolia (GAP Region), to identify the endemics and to prepare a publication.
Main activities:
The research is carried out in Adiyaman, Batman, ( ... )
ep, Kilis, Mardin, Siirt, Sanliurfa, Sirnak and Diyarbakir provinces.
- Field studies and photographing of plants on site,
- Collection of unidentified plants samples,
- Scientific identification of endemics,
- Consulting local people on the use of plants,
- Consulting herbalists on medicinal plants,
- Compilation of information, selection of photographs for the book
- Editing of the book