There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/97-041 |
Project goal:
To improve the community's social welfare and health care, through sustainable practices of traditional medicine system.
Project objectives:
1. To revive the positive sustainable traditional practice of using herbal ( ... )
2. To ensure the continued existence of the local biodiversity (focus on medicinal herbs).
3. To improve the community's welfare through facilitation of marketing local products of traditional herbal medicines.
Activities to be carried out under project :
1. Preparation.
a) Establishing 2 (two) local nurseries and/or demplots
b) Providing initial stock supply of seedlings and/or
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-JOR-95-G52-19 |
The proponent had established a "Nature Appreciation Center" with a SGP Pilot Phase grant. The project was completed three years ago and is being used by schools and youth clubs all over Jordan. The research lab is being used for practical ( ... )
ations and has enhanced the site and is improving the awareness of Jordanian people in global environmental
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: PAK/96/06 |
To establish a revolving fund for tree plantation by fixing the share of the NGO in the proceeds of the harvest.
The project is located in Mithitiwana. It spans over a duration of up to six years. The activities so far carried out have been ( ... )
ing to the project schedule. Farmers have been convinced of the importance of tree plantation and a number of them are willing to join this campaign. Already more than a dozen farmers have been associated with this activity.
There have been no substansial difficulties due to the previous experience of the NGO on tree plantation activities. For the future plans, three more plantations of twenty
Phase 1
Project Number: BRA/98/09 |
This project will present a feasibility study for Amazon Turtle (Podocnmeis expansa) breeding as an alternative source of income for the fisher families in the Z-1Colony, Lower Branco River region, state of Roraima. Experimental management in a ( ... )
ed space (in the river itself) under different density and feeding conditions will be carried out. Growth rate of the animals will be monitored. Ideal water conditions will be established, as well as stock capacity in an enclosed space. Mortality rates will be examined, as will survival and productivity. Expose and seek better understanding of the importance of the turtles in the relations of
Phase 1
Project Number: PPS-09-98 |
OBJECTIVES: To provide basic information for the design and operations of a green iguana farm, to establish a sustainable farming facility following technically and economically oriented practices. This study was approved by the NSC to ( ... )
tate an appropriate management of the green iguana, a reptile specie that is under great hunting pressure but accepts captive breeding and is susceptible of a productive management. The study will allow the proposing organization have the information needed to fulfill legal requirements for this
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: PPS-06-98 |
OBJECTIVES To provide to this organization the tools to identify market options for their ecotourism center on a forest management area. This project will develop a feasibility study for market options for ecotourism activities and ( ... )
ement needs of the actual ecotouristic and training center facilities that this association owns and manages at El Novillero, Sololá. An specific consultant will be hired to elaborate the
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: PPS-12-98 |
OBJECTIVES: To provide training and facilitate the use of native fast growing, multipurpose, species of trees to diminish dependence on mangroves for domestic uses on the buffer zone of the RAMSAR declared Manchón Guamuchal wetlands and ( ... )
tion of an internationally important watershed. This project will facilitate trees for protecting the watershed of the Ocosito river, one of the main tributaries of the Manchón Guamuchal wetlands and mangroves, with the establishment of a tree nursery to be managed by the local community of La Blanca, main users of mangroves and other natural forest species of the wetlands. The
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: PPS-07-98 |
To provide access to stakeholders to training on agroforestry and soil conservation activities. This project has the purpose of provide training through practice on agroforestry, soil conservation and improved forest management at 8 ( ... )
ities. It includes the promotion of native fruit tree species and the introduction of women as main actors of the
Phase 1
Project Number: PPS-20-97 |
Training and implementation of basic forestry skills to diminish the impact of household uses of native trees by local communities women.
Objectives: To provide access to training on forestry activities and the use of tree seedlings of native ( ... )
ecies for reforestation purposes. /This project will develop a series of workshops to strengthen organizations, provide specific training on forestry related activities such as forest species seed selection and tree nursery establishment, as well as tree planting techniques and forest protection to 6 community women's
Phase 1
Project Number: OP-15.98-L |
Forest and land rehabilitation of the ancestral domain of the Ayta indigenous peoples in Zambales. Project interventions included activities aimed at bringing back biodiversity in the project area, which have been greatly affected by the Mt. ( ... )
bo eruption.
The project aims to achieve the following: community nursery where local forest tree and fruit species will be propagated; outplant tree seedlings within the watershed areas; delineate ancestral domain; installation of a water system for potable and irrigation purposes, and a communal animal farm as a livelihood project
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: THA/98/G42 |
Since March 1997, the Operational Phase I of Thailand GEF Small Grants Programme has been providing grants to 44 projects throughout the country. Mostly as demonstration projects, they are of community-based, initiated, planned and managed by ( ... )
Apart from the monitoring by visits to projects of the National Coordinator and the National Steering Committee during mid-implementation, the intensive monitoring and analysis by a third party is necessary to ensure timely gathering of information , smooth and effective implementation and timely recommendation of corrective measures as deemed appropriated. Moreover, the
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/98-061 |
Project goals or objective (including GEF problem area addressed by project) :
1. To provide a tool to information sharing and problem solving alternatives for the GEF-SGP grantees (Operational phase, first batch)
2. To strengthen the capacity of ( ... )
t planning method
3. To build capacity of grantees in reports preparing (financial and narrative)
4. To stimulate capacity building in organization management
5. To stimulate formation of a network
Activities to be carried out under project :
1. Preparation of grantees workshop (module identifying, agenda shaping, resource persons identifying, invitation confirming etc.)
2. Organize
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/98-059 |
Project goals or objective (including GEF problem area addressed by project) :
1. To provide a tool to information sharing and problem solving alternatives for the GEF-SGP grantees (Operational phase, first batch)
2. To strengthen the method of ( ... )
teps plan
3. To build capacity of grantees in designing a project
4. To build capacity of grantees in preparing reports (financial and narrative)
5. To stimulate capacity building in organization management
6. To stimulate formation of a network
Activities to be carried out under project :
1.Preparation of grantees workshop (module identifying, agenda shaping, resource persons
Papua new guinea
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: PNG/98/21 |
A grant of US$5,677.62 has been budgetted for the GEF Secretariat to undertake a one day "GEF/SGP Strategic Planning workshop" with the NSC and major NGOs. The outcome of this workshop will be the mission statement and PNG National Country strategy ( ... )
year 1999 to
Papua new guinea
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: PNG/98/17 |
A grant of US$ 1866.67 has been budgetted for the Sosel Ekson Komiti NGO to undertake with the assistance of the GEF Secretariat, the first regional workshop on capacity building for NGOs and CBOs that are networked with the GEF/SGP. The workshop ( ... )
nclude training on the GEF thematic areas, including project planning and management
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: PAK/98/31 |
The objectives of the workshop will be: to expose key representatives of the government, environmental protection agencies, donors, NGOs and CBOs to the role of GEF/SG identified areas, to review the progress made by the GEF Grantee NGOs in NWFP and ( ... )
n Areas and to share experiences based on common themes of the projects, to identify lessons learnt and key challenges and work out common strategies for future course of action.
The workshop will be divided into two parts: the inaugural and working sessions.
The inaugural session will be aimed at disseminating awareness for a larger audience on the biodiversity of Pakistan and the work done
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: PAK/98/26 |
Balochistan is the largest province of Pakistan in size (approximately 350,000 sq. km) but smallest in population (7 million). The vegetation represents two phyto geographical regions namely Irano- Turanian and Saharo-Sindian. Zoo geographically ( ... )
istan has affinities with Palearctic, Oriental as well as Ethopian realm. Balochistan contains a rich diversity of habitats as well as species. The importance of the province can be assessed by the fact that out of ten critically threatened ecosystems identified by the Biodiversity Action Plan, five occur in this province. Besides possessing the world renowned and largest remaining Juniper
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: PAK/98/25 |
The first Provincial grantee NGO workshop, this event launched GEF/SGP in Punjab to a widespread public audience. Executed by Escorts Foundation.
The Workshop will be held to meet two broad objectives; to bring together a large number of key ( ... )
entatives in province to understand the challenges facing the environment of Pakistan, and the activities of GEF/SGP in this context.
Workshop will provide an opportunity for GEF grantee NGOs in Punjab share experiences based on common themes of the projects, to identify lessons learnt and key challenges and work on common strategies.
The workshop will be divided into two sessions: the
Phase 1
Project Number: BZE/97/14 |
The main thrust of this project falls within the framework of the National Parks System Act of 1981 which deals with the protection of Mangrove Ecosystems. The project?s primary objective is to assure the management of mangroves in a responsible ( ... )
. We want the Gra-Gra mangrove ecosystem to remain the nursery grounds for important marine species such as fish and lobster. The group wants this mangrove area to remain as a protection against land erosion and storm damage and to act as a buffer zone that filters pollutants and prevents them from reaching the sea. Residents of Dangriga Town could be educated and empowered to participate in
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/97-046 |
Project goal:
Ensuring the successfulness of greening the village with plantation of local productive plants project which involve community?s participation (including school children) through establishing nursery center.
Project ( ... )
ive :
1. To utilize uncultivated garden and street banks;
2. To conserve local productive plantations;
3. To conduct a community based conservation;
4. To green the village with useful local plantations.
Activities to be carried out under the project :
1. Preparation.
a) Local varieties identification;
b) Socialization of the study;
c) Saplings procurement;
d) Site