There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: POL/98/03 |
creation of partnership with participation of local government, local building cooperative and inhabitants; training in simple methods reducing heat demand (GHG emission!) on the level of individual apartments and then - buildings; subsidies in ( ... )
se of small equipment and materials, improvement of gas,water,electricity installation, organization
of systematic monitoring and records on consumption of electricity, heat water before starting-up the project and then on monthly basis;preparation of training materials and energy-record-book; promotion of more energy efficient behaviour on family level;preparation and training of leaders for
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/97-052 |
Project goal:
To conserve natural resources in Tanjung Puting National Park - through reducing the dependency of local community on it?s natural resources (protected forest).
Project Objectives:
1. To decrease community dependency on ( ... )
l resources available in Tanjung Puting National Park;
2. To develop community capacity building;
3. To provide alternative source of income - through eco-tourism, plant cultivation, and cattle farming;
4. To raise community awareness on nature conservation efforts;
5. To conserve biodiversity through replanting rare but productive trees/plants;
6. To increase community
Sri lanka
Phase 1
Project Number: SRL/95/G52/028 |
The main aim of the projrct is to restore degraded land by cultivating cehmical free home gardens.
Empowerment of community- ' the village, the plantations the home garden' - in working for biodiversity conservation.
Growing of pesticide free ( ... )
bles, and seed propagation in green house for distribution to women members, awareness raising among women farmers, 250 organic farming plots. Exhibition and competitions.
Objectives, activities, groups involved
Create 250 organic home garden units and their maintenance.
Grow vegetables, fruits and other rare plants in the greenhouse and distribute among 250 selected beneficiaries, to ensure
Phase 1
Project Number: BZE/98/01 |
The project will increase the capacity of the Sibun Watershed Association (SWA) to identify and address environmental problems related to loss of natural habitats and biodiversity, impairment of ecological functions and non-sustainable resource ( ... )
tion or utilization. Networking, organizational strengthening, and increasing of community awareness and commitment made possible by this grant shall greatly contribute to the ability of SWA to address local and global environmental and sustainable livelihood issues effectively as a watershed community. The specific results of this project include increasing community awareness of the importance
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: KAZ/97/04 |
The Aral Sea is a region of ecological catastrophe caused by human beings nowadays. Not well considered policy of natural resources utilisation, abundant water consumption from the Amudarya and Syrdarya rivers for agricultural utilization have a ( ... )
egative impact not only on environment but on the population of this region. Economic crisis in Kazakhstan aggravates the situation. High level of unemployment, low income, population migration, decrease of life expectancy, growth of infant mortality rate and infectious diseases - it is not a full list of environmental crisis consequences. It has a special impact on status of women and
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: THA/98/G17 |
It is clearly perceived that ,sooner or later, the world conventional energy is on the verge of depletion. Thailand is , to a very great extent, dependent upon the imported energy such as oil and gas. The energy Thailand is able to produce by ( ... )
is energy from hydro-plant. The cost of construction of a hydro-plant has always been a dear one, for it means huge forest area to be devastated. Notwithstanding, an average Thai society are still wasting the energy and drive itself into an economical problem as it does now . In addition, the process of energy production and procurement is more or less causing environmental problems both in
Phase 1
Project Number: UGA/95/G52/005 |
Located in south Western parts of Uganda is Kabale district where areas on Lake Bunyonyi are characterized by high hills and mountains dissected by steep sided valleys that drain into lake Bunyonyi and bordering wetland areas leading to problems of ( ... )
nmental degradation coupled with poor agricultural systems, deforestation and drainage of wetlands.
Because of the impact of the above problems and the livelihood of local people, the project promotes sustainable agriculture as a means to conserve the lake and improve livelihoods as well as promotion of fuel efficiency. The focal areas targeted are climate change, Biodiversity conservation and
Phase 1
Project Number: MLI/97/21 |
Projet de restauration de la biodiversité a travers la plantation d'espece autocthones pour la Préservation de la foret naturelle du Bélédougou
Objectifs spécifiques - Mettre en place 1/2 ha de pépiniere a Folokobougou au démarrage du projet ( ... )
production de 10 000 plants par an ;
- Protéger la pépiniere avec du grillage et l'équiper d'un puits busé a moyen diametre ;
- Reboiser un démi (1/2) ha par an et par village par la plantation de 8350 plants forestiers ;
- Faire une distribution vente de 1650 plants fruitiers et/ou a ombrage ;
- Mettre un groupement de paysans dans chaque village et former 4 personnes parmi eux, aux
Phase 1
Project Number: NEP/95/G52/02 |
This project is implemented in Kalimati Rampur, Kalche and Kavrechaur Village Development Committees of Salyan, one of the hardest hit districts by the food deficiency and the rampant insurgency activities in the Mid-west Development Region of the ( ... )
y. Kachuwa Daha (lake) in Kalimati Rampur has its significance as it inhabits around 200 of the threatened turtles. The turtles are almost vanished in the middle hills of Nepal. Hence the area is important and warranting immediate intervention to conserve the turtles and to manage the ecosystem through participatory approaches that also integrates livelihood activities. SGP Project facilitates
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: PAK/97/20 |
The project will target to engage students of schools catering low income groups to create awareness among masses through students and educate students about environmental concerns by establishing environmental clubs in their schools.
Project ( ... )
re to raise awareness of environmental issues and solutions, including global issues like climate change, loss of biodiversity, pollution of water bodies, stratospheric ozone depletion, etc. among teachers, school children, and parents by conducting following activities:
Organizing Parent Teacher workshops;
Training of like-minded NGOS in Islamabad and Rawalpindi;
Training and encouraging
Sri lanka
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: SRL/95/G52/044 |
The plant cover has been removed in order to construct buildings in the school premises.
Bio diversity has been diminished as a result.
It has been calculated that over 40 metric tons of soil has been eroded in the school ( ... )
Develop and improve the school premises according to a suitable landscape plan conducive to learning purposes for the school children.
Increase bio diversity by 80%.
Decrease soil erosion to 25%.
Create awareness among teachers, school children on bio-diversity conservation and climate change issues, 2 publications. Develop the 6 1/2 acres of school land
Sri lanka
Phase 1
Project Number: SRL/95/G52/041 |
This project seeks to address the problem of rapidly decreasing forest cover in the Batticaloa district.
Objectives, activities
Awareness raising of schools, communities and officials on bio-diversity conservation and develop home ( ... )
s. Print and distribute booklets in tamil language on bio-diversity issues.
Conduct awareness programmes encouraging re-plantation by the villagers, school children.
Promote home gardening using natural compost of domestic waste.
Issue seeds and seedlings free of charge to villagers in support of the project.
Training programmes for villagers on compost production.
Sri lanka
Phase 1
Project Number: SRL/95/G52/038 |
To create awareness on Global Environmental issues both among school children the public.
Bio diversity conservation through planting of trees in selected urban areas and school premises, awareness raising of schol ( ... )
en and publications.
Conduct 20 seminars on environment protection,
Train students on tree planting, nursery management
Publish 500 copies of a journal mainly on global Environment issues.
Planting of trees with an economic value in order to generate income.
Production and distribution of seedlings among the schools in the Jaffna district and to be sold to farmers in the
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/97-045 |
Project goal:
Raising community?s participation on environmental conservation activities through setting up a demoplot on integrated farming system with the uses of organic menure and local varieities conservation kind of plants.
Project ( ... )
ve :
1. To establish a demoplot for farming;
2. To establish a local varieties gene-plasma bank (in the demoplot);
3. To transfer of knowledge on environmentally friendly farming;
4. To give a better land management to farmers;
5. To reduce the usage of inorganic fertilizer in cultivation
6. To utilize local and available resource for farming purposes.
Activities to be carried out
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: PPS-10-97 |
This project will help directly to the implementation of a governmental disposition to diminish air pollution, through the analysis and measurement of combustion gases, it is a recently issued law and will be a citizen?s duty to make car tests to ( ... )
ate in the country. The activity was supported by a Swiss agency and the SGP will contribute to spread the about the goodness of this laws. NSC decided to contribute with 30% of the requested funds and ATAMEGUA accepted with the compromise to collect the rest with associates and other donors. Objectives for this project are: to establish a car?s gases testing workshop at Quetzaltenango, to
Phase 1
Project Number: OP-14.98-M |
The project is an integrated program that intends to mobilize the sectoral groups at the barangay level specifically the farmers, women, youth, children and the elderly; to make a concerted action on the environment for sustainability. This is a ( ... )
rship program between the SCC-CLC PTA and the local government unit at the barangay level.
It aims to protect and develop the water and land resources, restore the degarded environment of the upland communities and develop a sustainable community through the coordinated efforts of the sectoral groups. Specifically, it encourages people to become an environmentally conscious, adopt alternative
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/98-062 |
The project intended to establish environment education program, especially related to marine and coastal area management and conservation. The project is iniated by the fact that raising awareness and increasing knowledge on this high potential ( ... )
tem is crucial, especially for the surrounding community.
Output expected:
1. The community will have sufficient water sanitation instalation
2. The community will change into a more ecological meals-habit
3. The community will develop the organic fertilizer in each house hold facilitated
4. The community will develop their own environment friendly vegetable garden
5. The community will
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-INS-98-035 |
Establishing community bassed energy garden to reduce nature trees cut down practices, which stimulate land degredation and endanger biodiversity.
Project goals:
1. Local biodiversity conservation through preservation of local variety plants
2. ( ... )
conservation through setting-up briket with bio-mass materials from energy garden and energy-saved stove
3. Local community empowerment within biodiversity conservation and alternative energy development
Project Outputs:
1. Talun garden which provided energy source for community and provide food for consumption
2. Traditional Energy Garden, to preserve local plants which provide local crops
Sri lanka
Phase 1
Project Number: SRL/95/G52/010 |
The area being located in the dry zone, the environment commonly experience dry, arid weather conditions including sand storms, high levels of atmospheric temperature etc.
Form a tree cover within the school premises in order ( ... )
ove the environment and make it conducive to birds, insects and other organisms, facilitating the students to study them in their habit.
Establish model garden in the Premises of a school in the dry zone.
Construct soil conservation humps, planting of trees and their maintenance, construct a water supply system, construct a net house for the plant nursery.
Groups involved
Trinidad and tobago
Phase 1
Project Number: TRI/95/G52/2101/008 |
Nature Seekers Inc. is a community-based organisation which maintains a sea turtle conservation, education and research programme within the Matura Beach Prohibited Area on the east coast of Trinidad. The pilot project implemented in collaboration ( ... )
ocal government agencies and the Wider Caribbean Sea Turtle Conservation Network (WIDECAST), addresses capacity-building of a rural CBO (NSI) to implement a tagging and database programme on the leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) which nests annually in large numbers at the Matura Beach.
Grant funds would be used for administrative/personnel support and equipment and materials (tags,