There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: BOL/OP3/1/05/02 |
En la comunidad de Kanchapampa la incidencia de pobreza es del 100%, considerada como marginal a indigente. La comunidad recien a finales de 2004 tiene comunicación vial permanente, los ingresos comunales están estrechamente relacionados con la ( ... )
dad agrícola, que se realiza a secano y es de carácter subsistencial.
Con el proyecto se pretende contribuir a la conservación de la biodiversidad local a través del establecimiento de parcelas comunitarias experimentales, en un huerto comunal de Tara y Olivo bajo riego, como alternativa para reducir la erosión, recuperar y mejorar los suelos, disponer de una fuente energética
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: KAZ/05/06 |
The problem of POPs excites the public all over the world for many years. The situation is complicated due to that many people don't even know about POPs and their harmful influence on human beeing.
The problem of population poor awareness about ( ... )
is also actual for Taraz city. As a result, universal dumps of dust are practically everywhere, being the main source of POPs in the city. The dust accumulates on the streets, near to houses, in reservoirs. The centralized processing and sorting of waste in city is absent. A part of the dust is utilized by inhabitants by burning. Daily influence of POPs can lead to serious diseases. For this
Phase 2
Project Number: NEP/04/15 |
Taudaha, The only remaining natural lake in the Kathmandu Valley, occupies an area of 463 ha. Situated to the south-west of the valley, it is a home of some 118 species of bird representing 28 different families including migratory birds from ( ... )
rn Himalayas. Likewise, the lake also harbors 39 species of aquatic plants and rich fish fauna which includes 36 Taxa of macro invertebrates mainly Oligochaeta, Ephimeroptera and Mollusca. The lake has also its cultural significance. According to the legend, Karkotak Nagraj and Nagrani (the King and Queen of Serpents) and Lord Ganesh reside in the pond and thus no fishing and boating are allowed
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: GUA/05/04 |
This project is focus in the breeding and make good use of the honey production, with wild bees, this together with the planting of 5 species of medicinal and native plants as fountain of pollen. All products are processing post harvest for make ( ... )
nal honey and medicine.
The medicinal plants that they planting are: ruda (ruta graveolens), flor de muerto (tagetes spp), apazote (chenopodium ambrosoiudes), mint (menta piperita) y pericón (tageres lucida); and the wild beens (Melipona beecheii).
This project have strong components of the training in gender, community organization, organic agriculture and processing of the
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: PHI/107/05 |
To demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of using video documentation as a medium for project proposal preparation so that IP communities who have been able to protect and conserve the biodiversity in their ancestral domain but are unable to ( ... )
ources due to inability, or extreme difficulty in preparing written proposals could continue to protect and conserve their habitat and access funds from
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/UNF/04/15 |
Recopilar y analizar la información necesaria para establecer la línea de base del Programa COMPACT-Calakmul, en lo social, lo productivo y lo biológico. Determinar las amenazas a la zona en estos tres sectores y establecer criterios e ( ... )
dores de sustentabilidad para ellos.
Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity
Phase 2
Project Number: ROM/05/02 |
The main activities include: the evaluation on natural values of the region, research on socio-economic relationships, creation of maps and of a monograph of the area, the provision of specific training for local stakeholders, elaboration of ( ... )
ment Plan for the area, provision of consultancy in terms of nature conservation for local stakeholders.
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: BAR/OP3/YEAR1/05/06 |
This project is an attempt to heighten public awareness of the importance of coastal ecosystems, the challenges which these ecosystems face, and our roles and influence in creating or exacerbating those challenges. In addition to increasing public ( ... )
ess, elements of the project also strive to take a hands-on approach in dealing with existing issues, putting measures in place to negate adverse effects and to enhance the existing environment.
The project seeks to implement coastal zone management initiatives along the South Coast of Barbados in three broad areas:
- Sustaining coastal communities by developing sustainable practices and
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: MAR/05/01 |
The ?Centre de Solidarité Pour Une Nouvelle Vie? is a Non-Governmental Organisation that has been offering for the last 15 years a safe haven in Rose-Hill for the rehabilitation from and prevention of drug and alcohol abuse. We also run a ( ... )
ntial rehabilitation community for male substance abusers in Solitude. We are a very active NGO that acts as a leader in the field of rehabilitation and prevention of Substance Abuse in the Mauritian society and even beyond, notably the propagation of HIV/Aids infection through the injecting drug using population.
Since its official opening in 2001, our Prevention Unit has increased its
Phase 2
Project Number: MAR/05/03 |
The Mauritian Wildlife Foundation is dedicated to the conservation of the native wildlife of Mauritius and Rodrigues and their habitats. It has a specialisation in the restoration of small islands and has a long term involvement in the restoration ( ... )
ands around Mauritius and Rodrigues. MWF recognises that islands are important tourist resources and are important for wildlife and has developed an ecotourism project on Ile aux Aigrettes that integrates tourism with conservation. The objectives of MWF closely mirror those of the GEF/SGP Country Programme Strategy, since we are dedicated to training, developing local capacity and establishing
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: NEP/04/09 |
Land degradation in Himalayas is both natural and anthropogenic. Natural phenomena such as landslide, river cutting and flood are also triggered by human?s exploitation to the nature. Unsuitable land management, deforestation, use of chemical ( ... )
izers and pesticide are just a few anthropogenic activities that have degraded the already fragile young Himalayan landscape.
The project?s initiation to establishing an organic village in Timal area, 40km north east from Kathmandu is a very ambitious endeavor in itself. The concept is to develop an organic village where one can find renewable energy technologies such as SHS and ICS coupled
Climate Change Mitigation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: NAM-05-05 |
The goal of the project was to improve the sustainable management of natural resources as well as the living conditions of communities in the Ovitoto area. Project objectives included 1. Promote the use of appropriate technology in the 19 villages ( ... )
Ovitoto area through the establishment of an Environmental Community Outreach Centre. 2. Increase the awareness, knowledge, and access on a number of appropriate technologies and environmental management concepts. 3. Encourage the establishment of local ?environmentally focused? business, and in particular to identify business opportunities that would support the wider environmental goals of the
Land Degradation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: BAR/OP3/YEAR 1/05/16 |
The purpose of the planning grant is to help the Hewanorra Organic Agricultural Movement (HOAM) to:
(i) conduct research on the extent of organic farming and the willingness of farmers to make a paradigm shift to organic farming from ( ... )
tional agriculture;
(ii) convene meetings and a training workshop for its members and interested persons; and
(iii) draft a Full Grant Proposal.
It is expected that this grant will help to place organic farming on the national agenda of St.
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: KAZ/05/17 |
Tourism infrastructure is in embryo on the territory of the Western Tien-Shan mountains. There is a probability that this niche will be kept by big tourist commercial companies, and the local population will come to " the broken trough". This means ( ... )
e local people will not be admitted to reception of the due income out of the natural resources use. Besides there are some threat to the biodiversity of the Western Tien-Shan mountain range, such as strong negative influence from the direction of unorganized tourists and commercial companies, and local community, irregular on environmental routes of the Aksu-Zhabagly Natural Reserve.
Viet nam
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: VN/04/015 |
The results of the GEF/SGP independent evaluation conducted in 2003 show that to deal with the limited capability and experience of the NGOs/CBOs in project management, GEF/SGP has paid special attention and given priorities to building the capacity ( ... )
/SGP partners and key stakeholders in project development and management over the past years. This task has been performed through the following modalities:- Holding workshops on project development and management with the participation of the project proponents and management teams. The workshops have significantly contributed to enhancing project development and management capability of the
Land Degradation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: GHA/05/075 |
The project addresses problems in land degradation and desertification control focal area of the Global Environment Facility. The project is a re-settlement area after the construction of the Akosombo Dam along the Volta River. More than 60% of the ( ... )
re badly degraded due to unsustainable agricultural practices; annual bush burning and uncontrolled wildfires; uncontrolled sand winning, excessive harvesting of woodfuels; poor water conservation and soil fertility management due to shortened fallow periods; loss of arable lands due to inappropriate land use practices and weak institutional capacity for sustainable development.
The project
OP3 - Y2 (Mar 06 - Feb 07)
Project Number: HND/OP3/SGP/05/025 |
El proyecto busca dar valor agregado al café orgánico instalando una planta de tostado, molido y envasado con marca propia; Incentivar la producción de café orgánico, su procesamiento y mercadeo a mejor precio; Comercializar café procesado a ( ... )
nacional; Fortalecer las capacidades técnicas, organizativas y empresariales del grupo de mujeres Las Marías.
El proyecto será socializado con La Empresa de Mujeres y con la COAFORPLA para establecer una coordinación adecuada.
La distribución de responsabilidades y/o actividades obedecerá a la estructura actual en comités de la Empresa. Sin embargo, además se planificarán las
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: ALB/SGP/OP3/Y1/05/18 |
Dajti national Park is not a new comer in the SGP-Albania, nevertheless we thought that the new developments in this National park have created a new situation that is full of new opportunities that needed to be exploited. The recently widened park ( ... )
erally at the doorstep of the capital city of Tirana. The new social trends and the construction of a new cable lift is pumping hundreds of people into the territory of the park and this situation can potentially become damaging to the fragile and pristine environment of the Park itself. At the same time we think that new situation hold a great potential for educating, guiding and shaping the
Climate Change Mitigation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: egy-05-235 |
Mobilizing the community to used the new technology of solar heater Energy and developing the traditional ovens to reduce the gas emissions
1. To raise public awareness to environmental problems and the importance of utilizing renewable energy ( ... )
ces to decrease these problems.
2. To train 7 technicians to install, maintain and repair solar heaters.
3. To install 25 solar heaters in Giza Governorate
4. To minimize the consumption of traditional fuel and promote the use of available alternatives of solar energy for domestic water heating.
5. Reducing the emissions of green houses gases to limit global warming phenomenon
6. To
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/04/23 |
The Society is the owner of the old water-mill from 1888 in Gruczno, which became a museum of old varieties of forgotten cereals, which were cultivated centuries ago; Gruczno is in plans an educational place of forgotten knowledge (traditional ( ... )
g, local products using old traditional techniques;
Project is planning to establish a museum of old, traditional hives and bee-keeping .In past 3 decades hundreds of apiaries reduced to 60 of poor condition; promotion of traditional beekeeping with reconstruction of apiaries will allow to offer a local product stopping the further decline and generating extra income to local communities in