There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Operational Phase |
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: TAN/03/01 |
Over the years, particularly with the increase of population and human activities, the Lufyilo River Basin has experienced wide spread destruction of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem. Vegetation is cleared for agriculture and trees are cut down ( ... )
rewood and building poles. The project aims at increasing awareness on conservation of forests and other vegetation that are of great biodiversity and catchment importance within the Lufilyo river basin. Lufyilo river empties its waters into Lake Nyasa, which is an international water
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/02/33 |
Project development Goal :
To develop integrated project planning and action strategy to implement sustainable mountain farming system among Tengger indigenous peoples in Ranupani, Mt. Semeru, Tengger National Park.
Project Objectives :
1. To ( ... )
comprehensive data and information as base line data,
2. To increase villagers participation and contribution over all project steps,
3. To produce comprehensive proposal and action plans.
Expected output :
a. Compilation of data and base line information,
b. Ecological threats Analysis, Problem Analysis/Map, Actor Analysis, Project Log Frame and identification of potential contributions
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/03/06 |
The project will diminish the practice of using agrochemicals for agriculture, through the implementation of organic managed agriculture and training, contribuiting to the conservation of local varieties of creolle potatoes, tomatoes, native green ( ... )
and chamborote chillies (solanum tuberosum L, Lycopersicum esculentum Mill and Phaseolus vulagaris. In order to obtain organic matter as fertilizer and diminish area´s pollution the women will be trained on improved poultry management and appropriate animal enclosures. The produced poultry will improve both local families diet and
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/02/10 |
The project location is situated in the vicinity of catchment area of Chee River,one outstanding ibutary of the Mekhong River. Formerly viewed as a hydrologic protection forest area until five decades ago, the national policy has ( ... )
ed cash crop such as tapioca, kenaf and sugarcane along with chemical substance which now becomes necessary and excessive.Forest encroachment for more cultivated land by both small and large farmers had been a serious problem.
Many of the areas become degraded resulting in soil erosion while effect of chemical on human body is noticed. Presently, 80 % of sugarcane field
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/03/04 |
Now at the local level development and use of renewed energy sources is insufficient, solar and wind, in particular. At the same time, incineration of organic kinds of fuel, being used in power engineering, makes negative impact on environment, and ( ... )
ts bowels of the Earth. One the major factors of the short-sighted policy at the local level is absence of sufficient knowledge about the problem and practical methods of renewable energy sources use.
The purpose of the project is sharing information about importance of efficient use of alternative energy sources and negative impact of irrational use of natural resources among wide public
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/02/25 |
70% of the community is made up of Cerrado soils, with significant presence of the Pequi tree (Caryocar brasiliense), the fruit of which is used in the production of oil, liqueur and pickles. Aiming to conserve the biome with sustainability and ( ... )
competitiveness in the market, this project will build a processing plant for this fruit and implement a plant nursery for production of fruit seedlings for reforestation and conservation. A reduced rate of rural exodus, generation of income, higher profit margins for the families, better prices for the products, regularized production, quality and hygiene for the products, effective
Phase 2
Project Number: BZE/03/03 |
The goal of this project is to protect the biodiversity of Spanish Creek Wildlife Sanctuary through co-management of the sanctuary, community livelihood improvement, and environmental awareness.
The sponsoring group, the Rancho Dolores ( ... )
nment and Development Group, was formed in 1998 to promote sustainable management of natural resources in the area and bring related economic development to the village. The group is a registered community-based organization with eight executive officers. It includes all 35 families in the village.
The specifict objectives of this project are to: 1) co-manage the sanctuary and the
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/03/FP-02/29 |
The project is carried to curb the fishing and mangrove forest logging which is the two main income generation to the local community. To address the environmnetal threat, the project is proposing 3 main programmes: they are Research Programme, ( ... )
ess programme, Alternative Income Generation Programme to replace their conventional means of income generation and to sustain and conserve the Sematan mangrove biodiversity that will provide sustainable livelihoods to the local
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/02 |
The main of aim of the project is creation of bicycle road system connecting Plock and Wloclawek. Bicycle roads (established in area near to Vistula river, forest area in Gostynsko ? Wloclawski Landscape Park and Woodland Promotional Complex of ( ... )
sko ? Wloclawskie Forests) were planned to promote hiking and bicycle tourism.
Project goals:
1. creation of bicycle roads connecting Plock and Wloclawek;
2. promotion of eco-friendly transport means;
3. promotion of naturally and culturally valuable places in Gostynsko ? Wloclawski Landscape Park;
4. raising awareness of local community about environmental issues, creation of
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/03/P02 |
La realización de un taller de diagnóstico con los productores pimenteros, que servirá para determinar y expresar a los participantes en la concepción del problema, que aunque sabe que es, que no tienen una solución clara para establecer ( ... )
os que beneficien a iniciar una nueva etapa de la empresa Productores Pepper Biosfera Indígena la Reserva de Calakmul. Una vez que la propuesta de los debates celebrados en el taller, es la sumisión a la Asamblea General de acuerdo con la propuesta, y en su caso, formalizar una nueva Acta
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/03/UP10 |
The five villages of Khudoli, Thapla, Mori, Doba and Pali in Almora district of Uttaranchal had a story similar to that of other villages in remote, hilly, infrastructure-poor areas. Increase in population, changed economic conditions and lifestyle ( ... )
ed in loss of bio diversity, decrease in land fertility, erosion and over exploitation of forests for fuel and fodder and made the once self sufficient economies increasingly un-productive.
In such a situation Chatrasal Seva Sansthan (CSS) intervened with the objective of conserving the bio diversity, to minimize dependence on forests and forest products by emphasizing and raising awareness
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/26 |
Inventory of existing Baltic Raised Bogs in Pomerania Lakeland. Selection worth protection stations and publication the proper protection methods among environmentalists and local administration,. |
Phase 2
Project Number: UGA/03/26 |
The project fosters the conservation and sustaiable use of Lake Bunyonyi. It aims at conserving lake Bunyonyi from siltation through tree planting, soil and water conservation technologies, poultry and animal husbandry.It also promotes adoption of ( ... )
nable livelihood technologies, conservation education, better agronomic practices for increased productivity and poverty alleviation and capacity enhancement. The GEF focal areas addressed are biodiversity conservation and land degradation. The area experiences waterand soil degradatio problems due to unsustainable human
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/03p |
The main purpose of this project was to evaluate results of the completed ,planned activities after 3 years . |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/13p |
Project evaluation |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/02/44 |
The project is located at Ghulkin village in Gojal Tehsil, district Gilgit which is surrounded by two eroding glaciers, and the Borit Lake, at a height of 2500, is 1km from the village. Patundas peak lies to the North of Ghulkin and is famous among ( ... )
ers/climbers? as a place of ultimate experience. There are 133 households with a population of 1045 heads. The proposed project creatively links conservation and development in a village context by proposing construction of a model thermal efficient school building for promotion of fuel-efficient building technologies, as a demonstration project. The project also corresponds to
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/03/08 |
Now the ecological situation with water objects of the Aktyubinsk area is extremely adverse. In particular, it concerns those reservoirs which cover city territories with developed industry and infrastructure. The situation is that industrial ( ... )
of the industrial enterprises, municipal services, and dumps of household waste can be found in each of the water reservoirs of the area. Feature of the Aktyubinsk area is that it borders Russia, and many of the rivers are transboundary ones. This require more responsible approach.
One of the problem's aspects is that the population of the area doesn't focus attention to pollution of
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y5/CORE/2003/57 |
The main idea of the project is biodiversity conservation through the rehabilitation of relict forest in Kapchigay tract by planting walnut saplings, organizing forest nursery, pasture regulation, allocation of plots among the local ( ... )
Actions to be undertaken by Public Association ?AKSY DAANYSHMANY:
1. Social mobilization of local people.
2. Allotment of land to NGO
3. Construct the fence around the plot.
4. Procurement, planting, taking care for 15000 saplings in 10 hectares
5. Establish foundation to support watering and enlarging planted area in depredated land.
6. Allocation of plots among the local people.
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/02/42 |
Project development Goal:
To increase life quality in four villages by strengthening foods and energy self sufficiency in Pelaga, Sibetan, Tenganan and Lembongan, Bali
Project Objectives :
1. To strengthen institutional capacity among ( ... )
ities in managing natural resources and environment
2. To develop a model of community-based economic and village-based tourism in Bali to address ecological, cultural and economic challenges of Bali-post bombing
3. To document and disseminate information about the lessons learned of developing a village-based economy that keeps the balance between environment services, gender equality,
Sri lanka
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: CWI/SRL/03/03 |
Rationale: The under ground water in the area is hard with high concentration of fluoride. these fluorides containing drinking water cause discolouration of teeth especially among children. skeletal fluorosis in the also a common problem when ( ... )
des are absorbed in to the hunman system in excessive amounts alos if the fluoride concentration is less than 0.5ppm then it affects the teeth. Therefore it is imperative to maintain the fluoride concentration at optimum levels.
Objectives: to prepare an inventory of traditional /indigenous knowledge on sustainable methods of water purification and use such resources to generate options to solve