There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 1
Project Number: POL/98/04 |
Design and make educational billboards for the fencing of "Hel's Facilities for Seals", purchase a ticketing machine to provide financial basis for the activity in support of seals being rehabilitated, carry out a promotional campaign for seals and ( ... )
ltic Sea ecology (pamphlets, telephone cards with relevant information overprinted, educational programme for schools), co-operate with local community (volunteers); continuation and extention of
Phase 1
Project Number: OP-21.98-M |
Conservation and protection of the biodiversity of the Subanen's ancestral domain located in Mat. Malindang. Focus of seedling propagation is on the native cinnamon tree species. The project assisted natural regeneration for most of the forest ( ... )
pecies and the cinnamon seedlings production has enhanced present population and has been a part of the livelihood component of the
Sri lanka
Phase 1
Project Number: SRL/95/G52/029 |
The Kurulu kele area within the wildlife sanctuary in Kegalle district is subject to unauthorized encroachment, removal of the forest cover for use as firewood, removal of herbs with a medicinal value.
People entering the forest area and ( ... )
pollution by littering with polythene and other non-degradable waste.
Objectives, activities, groups involved
Protecting of bio diversity in urban forest and ts endemic flora and fauna, educating communities on bio diversity conservation and introducing alternative energy sources for household use.
Conservation of bio diversity and management of the Kurulu kele area.
Introduce energy
Phase 1
Project Number: OP-13.98-M |
Biodiversity conservation of one of the remaining Philippine marshlands where strategies focused on IEC, capability building, research and documentation, establishment of a biodiversity resource center to support programs on enhancing growth of ( ... )
nous species within their natural habitat, and establishment of sustainable livelihood.
As a backgrounder, the Liguasan Marsh is found in one of the richest river basins in the country - the Cotabato-Agusan River Basin. Three main rivers and their tributaries traversing the marsh drain into Illana Bay, which flows into the Moro Gulf. The marsh covers an area of about 288,000 hectares spread
Phase 1
Project Number: ECU/98/008 |
Características socio económicas de la población:
Las familias de esta comunidad mantienen una situación económica media, se hallan emparentadas y su grado de organización es muy importante.
Tradicionalmente mantienen una relación de ( ... )
alidad, migran en tres pisos altitudinales (páramo, templado y subtropical) de acuerdo al calendario agrícola. En la zona de páramo, cultivan productos andinos, en la zona templada que es de residencia permanente la dedican al cultivo de hortalizas, plantas medicinales y ganadería; y hacia la zona subtropical la destinan a cultivos como plátano, yuca, naranjilla y maíz duro.
En el sector
Sri lanka
Phase 1
Project Number: SRL/95/G52/012 |
Promote bio diversity conservation in paddy farming and other agricultural practices, re-orient farmers to traditional and cultural practices in agriculture which are sustainable and environment friendly. Change attitudes of farmers on nature ( ... )
g - that it is an unprofitable method of farming giving less yield and get the support of more farmers to convert to this method to ensure food security thorugh an increased yield as opposed to decreased yield, less use of chemicals in rice farming and better quality of rice.
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: POL/98/08 |
Foundation for Homeless People of Mutual help BARKA has 400ha farm and 2 typical buildings which belonged until 1990 to the state farm which collapsed and then was dissolved.All property with land became Barka's property. 2 buildings in past 10 ( ... )
were uninhabitated so were exposed to destruction and living standarts were for homeless people very modest.Initial idea of modernisation and coal to gas conversion was discussed again with GEF/SGP and modern heating system based on wood waste was designated by expert from the Agricultural University in Poznan. Permission from the Voivodship officer responsible for monuments protection
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: OP-12.98-L |
The project is centered at production and utilization of biogas using swine waste products as a climate change mitigation strategy. The installation pf the biogas system is intended to make use of the waste matter from the expanded hog raising ( ... )
t of the cooperative resulting in the following: a. available alternative source of fuel for the cooperative members making them realize savings on costs of energy, feed materials and fertilizer; b, conservation of forest resource and; c. control of pollution by proper waste
Phase 1
Project Number: POL/97/07 |
Project aims in 2 monitorings (Winter and Spring 1998) of black grouse in the Kurpie Plain to confirm observed 15% yearly decrease of black grouse population from 1990, identification of main causes and preparation of measures stopping the ( ... )
r decline one of the biggest population of black grouse in Poland.
Preparation of valorisation of monitored places in order to work our plan of protection zones (where it is possible), potential places to be taken into "ecological use" protection form (weaker and less restrictive than reserve); education of local people (lectures in schools in vicinity of black grouse presence).,
Cote d'ivoire
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: IVC/95/G52/001 |
The firewood represents 85% of the household sources of energy in Côte d?Ivoire which also represents a consumption of 12,000,000m3 of firewood per year. This leads to an enormous dumping of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.
It is then vital to ( ... )
the production of dioxyde of carbon by promoting technologies allowing the reduction of firewood consumption as it is mainly linked to the emissions of dioxyde.
The project is initiated by a women potters? group of Ouassou and aims to build a 10m3 pottery oven in order to lower the excessive consumption of firewood used in traditionnal potteries?
Cote d'ivoire
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: IVC/95/G52/004 |
School canteens are big consumers of firewood. A rural primary school has on average 200 to 300 pupils, and providing these pupils with hot lunches every school day throughout the year, requires huge quantities of firewood; but this trend can be ( ... )
ed. The project aims to reduce by half the firewood used in 100 school canteens in
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: GHA/98/026 |
The Gushiegu-Karaga District of the Northern Region of Ghana is of guinea savannah vegetation and suffers severe bushfires that affect biodiversity in the protected areas of the district. The NGO was piloting the reduction of bushfires by addressing ( ... )
the major problems/activities that lead to communities starting the fires. The identified problems are: (i) extensive burning of dry grass and foliage at the onset of the dry season to force early sprouting of fresh green foliage for livestock. (The underlying assumption is that ruminants will not eat dry foliage); (ii) hunting of wild honey using fire in the dry season that accidentally lead to
Phase 1
Project Number: MEX/97/18 |
Plan de desarrollo de amplia base comunitaria que sirva de respaldo para proyectos productivos y de conservación de recursos naturales. Pretende promover, mediante la capacitación y la organización comunitaria, una mayor participación de la ( ... )
ión en el manejo de la Reserva de la Biosfera de Ría Lagartos. Mediante la elaboración y gestión de proyectos productivos y de
Sri lanka
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: SRL/95/G52/035 |
Conduct Capacity building workshop for NGOs/CBOs of the conflict areas of North, Sri Lanka.
To identify suitable projects for GEF/SGP funding.
The identified environmental issues in the Jaffna district are categorized by the NGO as ( ... )
station, degradation of homestead gardens, water salinity, soil erosion, lack of resource centers for obtaining environmental related information, lack of knowledge and skill in using participatory approaches in identifying environmental issues etc
Groups involved
9 NGOs, 5 schools, 2 government
International Waters
Phase 1
Project Number: THA/98/G29 |
In the past, Karnchanaburi province was rich in natural resources and healthy environment. The forest areas in 4 districts are watershed areas of the Meklong River which provides water for livelihood for many provinces. The river flows through ( ... )
nburi, Rachaburi, Nakhonprathom and into the Gulf of Thailand in Samutsongkhram.
The population growth coupled with the industrial development have rendered the forest areas reduction and ecosystem of Karnchaburi less efficient. The rate of consumption of basic resources ,such as land ,forest and water, are ever-increasing. Simultaneously, the demand for energy to keep human facilities is
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: OP-22.98-M |
The project intends to rehabilite and establish at least 30 kilowatt Cateel Micro Hydropower System for household electrification and operation of production facilities (i.e. abaca stripping machine, rice and corn mill) and strengthening of the ( ... )
ity organization which was also an important component of the project to ensure sustainable project operation.
Partnership is also aim to forge between three NGOs: Yamog Renewable Energy Development Group; Sentro para sa Ganap na Pamayanan; and Sidlak Dabaw Development Foundation
International Waters
Phase 1
Project Number: THA/98/G21 |
During the last decade, the environmental degradation has been an outstanding problems in every region of the country with an increasing degree of severity . This has been due to the unregulated economical development. The natural resource has ( ... )
xploited so carelessly that results in the loss of natural balance. The world and its human beings have witnessed this effect very regularly.
The target population of the project is the minority group residing in the watershed area of Mae Korn River and Mae Sarn River which are tributaries of the Mekhong River.The minority group comprises 3 tribes: the Lisu, Akha and Mian.The last 10
International Waters
Phase 1
Project Number: THA/98/G03 |
Nan province contains many watershed areas for the Nan River which drains into the Gulf of Thailand. It is also the habitation of both hilltribe and lowland people For generations, the two communities have exhibited traditions ,ways of life and ( ... )
ment system to deal with water and community forest.
The development strategy of the country, during the past years ,which had focused very little upon the capacity building of communities, has caused the environmental and natural resources degradeation at an alarming rate. While ecosystems are being damaged , the conflicts between local people and government officers in the conservation
Phase 1
Project Number: BRA/98/10 |
Native Cerrado fruit processing is the subject of this project. A processing unit will be structured for insertion of the products in the local market, technologies for the processing will be developed, commercialization tests will be run, ( ... )
restry systems will be implemented, and employment and income will be generated. Construction of the plant will be concluded and equipment will be purchased. Fruit collectors will be organized for management of the venture. The brand name will be patented. Local smallholders will be encouraged to leave the Cerrado standing in their properties by receiving income for the fruit collected in their
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: THA/98/G16 |
The world is gradually warming up everyday. The climate is at variance. There are
the El Nino and other natural variance such as unusual storms and rains that causes natural disasters.All most all of these natural disasters ,of the past and ( ... )
t, are the consequences of human daily activities both in agricultural and industrial sector. These activities cause the Green House Effect warming up the earth.
In general, facts about global warming are rather difficult for average communities to appreciate. The information and figures concerning this are too complicate and seems to belong only to some special type of technical persons.