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Costa rica
Multifocal Area
Project Number:   COS/95/G52-26A
Este proyecto busca aumentar las capacidades y oportunidades de las mujeres indígenas a nivel nacional en aspectos políticos, de gestión y defensa de los derechos desde su identidad cultural, lo cual les permita participar equitativamente en el ( ... )
Costa rica
Project Number:   COS/95/G52-027
El Asentamiento Playa Hermosa está estratégicamente ubicado dentro del Corredor Biológico Paso de la Danta en el Area de Conservación Osa, resguardando una importante muestra de bosque tropical húmedo, al sur del país. Este proyecto además de ( ... )
Costa rica
Project Number:   COS/95/G52-29
El objetivo general del proyecto es elaborar un módulo de capacitación en Agricultura Orgánica consultando a la base campesina para definir y facilitar su implementación futura, como parte del programa de capacitación en medio ambiente y ( ... )
Costa rica
Project Number:   COS/95/G52-30
El objetivo principal del proyecto es la realización de un diagnóstico con el proposito de establecer la oferta de los productos orgánicos actual y potencial a dos anos, además de ubicar las necesidades de financiamiento para la gestión, ( ... )
Costa rica
Project Number:   COS/95/G52-31
Con este proyecto se pretende contribuir a la disminución de la deforestación del Bosque Tropical Húmedo en el suroeste del distrito de Horquetas mediante la valoración de sus condiciones forestales y la formulación de políticas y mecanismos, ( ... )
Costa rica
Multifocal Area
Project Number:   COS/95/G52-32
Este proyecto va orientado a la sistematizacion de 3 experiencias financiadas por el PPD, ademas de la publicacion de 500 ejemplares. Recoge ademas filosofia, objetivos, impacto, distribucion de proyectos, actores y experiencias, ademas de un ( ... )
Costa rica
Project Number:   COS/95/G52-34
La poblacion de la Reserva es de 1600 indigenas, y la pobreza los obliga a realizar un uso indiscriminado de sus recursos naturales con practicas usuales de tala y quema. Todos los terrenos son administrados por la Asociacion de desarrollo de la ( ... )
Costa rica
Project Number:   COS/95/G52-35
El objetivo del proyecto a disenar es establecer un corredor biologico en un area de 1078 has que abarca longitudinalmente los sitios conocidos como Estero Micos, Cerro Ballena, La Jacinta, Las Delicias, Lagartero y Pochote, salvando asi los ricos ( ... )
Project Number:   OP-10.98-M
The project aims to retrieve, conserve and propagate traditional rice varieties and agro-forestry tree species through: establishment of nurseries using endemic tree species and herbal gardens; collection, distribution and propagation of native rice ( ... )
Project Number:   BOL/24/99
En las zonas de clima tropical de Bolivia se está impulsando el cultivo de chima (bactris gasipaes Kunt), para aprovechar su palmito, con semilla traida de Costa Rica y Perú, principalmente. Esta palmera tropical, la única domesticada en el ( ... )
Sri lanka
Project Number:   SRL/95/G52/013
Rationale Destruction of natural resources and human inhabitation in the area has caused severe water loss and approx 1500 families in the village are facing difficulties. Number of indigenous plant species are in the verge of extinction due the ( ... )
Climate Change Mitigation
Project Number:   EG-OP1-09
- Developing a work life model for eco-desert communities - Utilization of solar, biogas and wind technologies for sustainable development of desert communities - Gaining field experiences with new technologies appropriate for desert community ( ... )
Project Number:   EG-OP1-01
1- to reduce the temperature in the erea. 2- to devlope the awarness of the villagers towards the danger that can accuer as a result of the environmental pollution 3- to plant and grow several kinds of the locally known trees which are known as ( ... )
Multifocal Area
Project Number:   GEF-INS/YBUL/98-075
Project goal: Maximizing the uses of potential local resources in sustainable development through increasing the capacity of NGOs and CBOs with well planned strategic direction Project objectives: 1.To gather the NGOs and CBOs with environment ( ... )
Project Number:   GEF-INS/YBUL/98-071
Project goal: Implementing environmentally friendly agriculture system. Project objectives: 1.To bring back the fertility of agricultural land 2.To improve the productivity of agricultural land 3.To increase farmer?s income by planting high ( ... )
Project Number:   GEF-INS/YBUL/98-069
Project goal: Adoption of sustainable agriculture system which is based on natural resources available in Sukatani village Project objectives: 1.To bring back the traditional practices which is best suit for agriculture management system 2.To ( ... )
Project Number:   GEF-INS/YBUL/98-072
Project goal: Strengthening programme concept on Community based Eco-farming, implemented in Cipining hamlet, Argapura village, Cigudeg sub-district, Bogor, West Java Project objectives: 1.To design community based approach of eco-farming ( ... )
Papua new guinea
Multifocal Area
Project Number:   PNG/98/05
A grant of US$9,021. was provided to the Marme Womens Group to translate the PNG Country Strategy Guidelines in to Pidgin and to further develop a pamplet and a booklet for the GEF/SGP programme. These materials will be used by the GEF Secretariat ( ... )
Climate Change Mitigation
Project Number:   EG-OP1-02
The project aims at installing and operating nine biogas units in three different villages in the Governorate of Daqahlia with the overall objective of spreading the use of environmental friendly energy and organic fertilizers ? Capacity building ( ... )
International Waters
Project Number:   THA/98/G31
Thale Noi (or Noi Sea) with an approximate area of 3,000 ha used to be a ship route between Khuankhanoon District of Phattalung Province and Ranoad District of Songkhla Province. It had been an abundant source for fresh water fishes and other ( ... )
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