There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Sri lanka
Phase 1
Project Number: SRL/95/G52/017 |
To conserve biodiversity and sensitive ecosystems in the Ritigala Strict Nature Reserve and enhance biodiversity in the surrounding forest areas and home lots in the peripheral villages. Provide opportunities, especially for women, to engage in ( ... )
ative and sustainable income generating actvities, cultivate medicinal plants for use in the production of ayuruvedic medicines at the village
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/97-037 |
Project goal:
To conserve biodiversity through cultivation of endemic chicken species which also has high monetary value - this could be a good alternative source of income for local community.
Project objective :
1. To increase local ( ... )
ity?s awareness on nature conservation effort;
2. To increase community skill in making use of biodiversity to increase welfare?s;
3. To decrease the use of pesticide to control floral pest;
4. To utilize of households solid waste;
5. To develop an alternative feed for intensive chicken farming;
6. To maintain ecological food chain cycle;
7. To increase land fertility through the
Phase 1
Project Number: ECU/98/002 |
Características socio económicas de la población:
La población esta conformada por comunidades indígenas que cuentan con diferentes grados de organización alrededor de la Fundación Inti Churi.
Las actividades económicas a las que se ( ... )
n los pobladores son la agricultura representada por cultivos andinos y la ganadería con vacunos y camélidos. En menor proporción se da una migración local para dedicarse a actividades como la albañilería y comercio informal; y ocasionalmente se producen migraciones temporales para realizar trabajos agrícolas en la costa y las mujeres en trabajos domésticos.
Sri lanka
Phase 1
Project Number: SRL/95/G52/031 |
Kegalle district has a rich bio diversity of medicinal plants, which at present is rapidly diminishing, due to priority being given to few species of food crops.
Main activities:
Conservation and sustainable use of herbal plant ( ... )
ies found in the distirct, form a network of Ayurveda physicians, conserve herbal plants used for medicines and conduct Ayurveda clinic for communities.
Conserve bio diversity of indigenous medicinal plants and promote their sustainable use.
Raise awareness among community on their importance.
Establish 100 herbal gardens, each with 750 plants belonging to 150 species. Each plot of land being
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: GHA/98/024 |
The East Mamprusi District borders the White Volta River and Morago River to the north. Both rivers are bordered by Government gazetted forest reserves and have been identified by GEF/SGP as an international corridor for the movement of ( ... )
ersity, particularly the African Elephants, Loxodonta africana, between Burkina Faso, Ghana and northern Togo. Because of degradation of these protected areas by fringe communities, the forests yield less food and elephants now come out of the forests more than before to raid farmers? crops leading to human-elephant conflicts. The NGO worked with 10 fringe communities, particularly the
Phase 1
Project Number: MAR/95/G52/I/12 |
This project aims at the cultivation of indigenous/endemic medicinal plants at Britannia Government School. It is a project which involves the community for the children of Britannia Government School as well as the villagers have been involved in ( ... )
entification of existing indigenous/endemic medicinal plants. The Parent Teacher's Association is involved in the monitoring of the programme and they will at the end be responsible of a greenhouse. The grant allocated by GEF/SGP has mainly been used for converting a neglected plot of land at Britannia Government School into a greenhouse and a conservation area. Revenues that will be generated by
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/98-074 |
Project goal:
Conserving Indigenous Knowledge
Project objectives:
1. To identify Indigenous Knowledge from several parts of Indonesia
2. To collect and documented Indigenous Knowledge available
3. To define comparative benefit of ( ... )
nous Knowledge in many aspects
4. To increase appreciation on Indigenous Knowledge
5. To disseminate information on Indigenous Knowledge especially to the youngsters
6. To dig up the potential of organizations commitment toward conserving Indigenous Knowledge
7. To form a network on preserving Indigenous Knowledge
Activities to be carried out under the project :
Sri lanka
Phase 1
Project Number: SRL/95/G52/034 |
Rehabilitation of mangroves in the Rekawa lagoon and awareness Programmes for schools and communities.
Identify the areas in which mangroves have been destroyed.
Determine the type of mangroves suitable to be replanted in that area
Plant 1200 ( ... )
ve plants in 5 hectares in the Rekawa lagoon area.
Awareness programmes for members of 8 CBOs, school children of 6 schools for a period of 3 months.
Release 100000 Tilapia fish species in the lagoon in order to generate income for the communities living in the area.
Introduce energy conserving stoves.
Demarcate the boundaries of Rekawa mangrove reserve
Sri lanka
Phase 1
Project Number: SRL/95/G52/020 |
The ?Nilgala? herbal forest with a historical significance is gradually deteriorating owing to acts of illegal timber dealers and use for human habitation and chena cultivation,
soil erosion due to excessive clearing of ( ... )
Objectives & activities
Plant trees and medicinal plants in 50 acres, to prevent destruction and plunder of the Nilgala forest reserve, set up a plant nursery, and conduct awareness programmes
Conservation of herbal plants in the forest reserve.
Setting up and maintenance of a herbal plant nursery
Distribution of herbal plants among the community, 20 types to be planted in each home
Phase 1
Project Number: GHA/98/030 |
Nyagbo-Konda and Gagbefe are situated in the middle dry deciduous forest zone of Ghana and in a hilly area, which is part of the Ghana-Togo Highlands ? a priority biodiversity area as identified by Conservation International. No protected area as ( ... )
as bee gazetted in the area. The project was to develop a conservation programme for the off reserve and develop a rational use for the natural resources in there including sustainable landuse and ecosystem exploitation. The project was also to improve the livelihood of the people through ecologically sustainable agriculture, bee keeping,
Sri lanka
Phase 1
Project Number: SRL/95/G52/009 |
Conserve and improve bio diversity and minimize environmentally harmful activities taking place at present, in 5 selected eco systems in the Uva province.
Environmental conservation through social mobilization of the villages adjoining the eco ( ... )
create 125 home gardens to bring about economic benefits,
establish an information center and a center for selling
guide and promote eco tourism, conserve plant species facing threat of extinction, protection of water catchment areas by planting trees around them,
educate and create environmental awareness among school children of 5 schools within the eco systems,
introduce and
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF INS/YBUL/97-049 |
Project goal:
The improvement of local community income and welfare through the development of environmentally friendly home industry and the conservation of ?ketak?.
Project objective :
1.Conservation effort of ?ketak? through its planting and ( ... )
ing as raw material of local community home industry;
2.Awareness effort of the community to conserve their environment and natural resources (biodiversity) along with the development of their tradition and culture value.
Activities to be carried out under the project :
1. Preparation.
a) Project introduction and socialization to community;
b) Inventarize the potential of
Sri lanka
Phase 1
Project Number: SRL/95/G52/042 |
Protect and conserve indigenous medicinal plants through home garden cultivation, increase the income of women, protect soil erosion and conserve water by advocating better use of available land |
Sri lanka
Phase 1
Project Number: SRL/95/G52/008 |
Rationale, objectives
The forest reserve area is threatened by human activities like chena cultivation and removal of timber wood for economic benefits. Due to this practice wild elephants and wild boar have lost their natural habitat. They enter ( ... )
arby villages in search of food and cause severe damage both to life and property including crops. This has led to human-elephant conflict, ultimately leading to killing two or three of them each year.
Main Activities
Protect forest reserve, to minimise distressing efforts of the human elephant conflict, distribute plants, conduct awareness seminars including training on compost making and
Phase 1
Project Number: MLI/97/16 |
Inventaire de la richesse en biodiversite florale de la région de Bamako.
L'environnement naturel de notre capitale, qui aussi bien les montagnes environnantes (prolongement nord-est du Plateau Mandingue), les savanes que le fleuve Niger et ses ( ... )
es affluents de la région entretiennent. Cet environnement subit aujourd'hui divers assauts, eu égard aux pressions de toutes natures. En effet l'installation des parcelles de culture, l'exploitation abusive des ressources végétales, de carrieres, la p?che, l'urbanisation galopante, font qu'aujourd'hui, beaucoup d'especes ont disparu ou vont l'?tre d'ici a l'an 2020.
Ces menaces qui
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: GHA/98/032 |
The southern Volta Region is typically coastal savanna and has a general low density of woody plants and hence does not have an abundance of fuelwood. The project was to build the capacity of 25 communities in the southern Volta to construct Fuel ( ... )
ent Woodsaving Stoves (FEWS).The adoption rate and use of the FEW stoves was low (less than 40 %) although trainees always described the stoves as useful in the sense that they consumed less fuelwood, produced less smokes and does not burn the user and is unlikely to cause a fire. NGO was to develop ingenious ways to popularise the stove to improve
Phase 1
Project Number: PAK/98/27 |
To develop project proposal for providing irrigation facility for reforesting the community land.
Project goals or objectives are to Increase agricultural production (Fruits),
Develop irrigated command area Improve, conserve and sustain ( ... )
tem (bio-diversity) of Mand Area, Uplift the socioeconomic conditions of small farmers of the project area.
Activities to be carried out under project are to Collect and analyse hydrological and hydro-geological data of the Nihang River catchment., Carry out topographical survey of area and design diversion dam and irrigation channel from the dam to the command area and Construct diversion dam
Phase 1
Project Number: TUN/95/G52/06 |
Ce projet d'établissement d'un dossier technique et administratif pour la création d'aires spécialement protégées dans lîle de Djerba vise à
1- contribuer à la conservation de la biodiversité dans les milieux insulaires ( ... )
2- lutter contre la dégradation des sols et du couvert végétal, par la pression du développement urbain et touristique;
3- contribuer à la conservation des ressources naturelles floristiques et fauniques;
4- contribuer à la conservation de l'avifaune;
5- et enfin, de valoriser le patrimoine naturel spécifique de l'île de Djerba.
Les activités du projet
Costa rica
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: COS/95/G52-33 |
Objetivo: Diseñar y poner en marcha una nueva forma de operacion del SGP, utilizando las experiencias aprendidas en la fase operativa del Programa. |
Costa rica
Phase 1
Project Number: COS/95/G52-15A |
La reserva indigena guaymi posee 2800 has de selva poco intervenida, que es la unica fuente de ingresos de las 22 familias guaymi que se localizan en Osa, colindante con el Parque Nacional Corcovado. La falta de empleos hace que las personas de ( ... )
omunidad emigren a otras en busca de ingresos economicos. Este proyecto ofrece una nueva alternativa de producción y autosuficiencia a traves de actividades como el ecoturismo, con esto se pretende evitar que el "desarrollo" obligue a los jovenes a salir de la reserva en busca de