There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF INS/YBUL/97-025 |
Project goal:
To stimulate the growth of nature conservation (mangrove rehabilitation activity) done by local community through pilot project
Project objective :
1. To introduce training model : from farmer to farmer
2. To promote the ( ... )
ity based nature conservation activity
3. In the long term, to increase local community?s income and welfare?s
4. To maintain biodiversity in coastal area
Activities to be carried out under the project :
1. Preparation.
a) Social preparation - networking (with non-formal and formal leaders - government
b) CBO strengthening - coastal area management knowledge
c) Setting
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: PPS-11-98 |
OBJECTIVES: To promote agroforestry practices among a sub-urban population to avoid watershed deterioration. This project will allow stakeholders from 8 communities at Cantel, Quetzaltenango, to have technical advice and training on ( ... )
restry and organic farming practices, that promote watershed and soil conservation of the Samalá river. A series of workshops will be held and the practices related to them will be done on stakeholders
Phase 1
Project Number: PPS-05-98 |
OBJECTIVES 1)To maintain an environmental education program for adults and children of the participant organizations. 2)To provide continuity to efforts of already begun reforestation and natural forest management activities. This ( ... )
t will provide opportunities for training to stakeholders that have already begun reforestation activities, strengthen tree nurseries production, locate and process forest seeds, and manage of organic mulching. Additionally, will provide access to forests inventories assessments and technical assistance for the establishment of forest management
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/97-036 |
Project goal:
To maximilize the uses of unproductive land - through encouraging the community to execute polyculture farming system, using non-organic fertilizer
Project objective :
1. To raise community awareness of nature conservation ( ... )
2. To enhance biodiversity concept application in farming the non-productive land
3. To increase community skill and knowledge in polyculture farming system
4. To enrich plants varieties planted with planting other local productive plants
5. To decrease the area of non-productive land and turn it to potential resources
6. To create new source of income opportunity for local community
7. To
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/97-028 |
Project goal:
Protection of marine biodiversity and coral reefs habitat as well, by reducing dependency of community towards those natural resources
Project objective :
1. To provide options of reliable alternative source of income to ( ... )
2. To reduce disturbances by community towards natural resources available
3. To preserve marine biodiversity as well as coral reefs habitat
4. To avoid decreasing population of fish through rehabilation of coral reefs
5. To increase community?s awareness on nature conservation efforts (in this case : marine
and coastal ecosystem)
6. To increase community participation on naturae
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/98-060 |
Project goal:
To preserve traditional practices related to information dissemination effort done by local community, through implementing sustainable way in farming the plants which is necessary for writing material.
Project objective ( ... )
1. To increase community participation (especially housewives) in planting and harvesting Daluang plants in sustainable way
2. To enliven endangered traditional practices in producing writing material
3. To preserve traditional culture, especially in information dissemination related activities
4. To increase productivity of unproductive land (garden) owned by community
5. To increase
Phase 1
Project Number: INS95/G52/0031 |
Project goal:
To conserve biodiversity and establish a local gene-plasm pool in Gunung Bungkuk protected forest by re-planting local varieties of fruit trees (in this case: durian trees) .
Project objective :
1. To raise community ( ... )
ess on nature conservation concept
2. To execute conservation effort done with community participation
3. To build community capacity on farming techniques as well as better land management
4. To build a demoplot of planting techniques which also regards to land and water conservation
Activities to be carried out under the project :
1. Preparation.
a) Survey on village potentiality
Phase 1
Project Number: PAK/98/28 |
To develop a project proposal by involving local communities for the conservation of Baluchistan Black Bear.
The main objective of the project is to prepare a detailed proposal for conserving Balochistan Bear and its habitat along with other ( ... )
and faunal biodiversity of the area with active community participation.
Surveys will be conducted in the area to determine the population and status of Balochistan Bear, its ecological needs, threats to species and its conservation needs, as well as to determine the general biodiversity of the area. Identification of communities near the important population cities of the species, rapid
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/97-030 |
Project goal :
To conserve biodiversity of local rice varieties - through reviving traditional practices of rice farming.
Project objective :
1. To collect local rice varieties (in Sumatera) and gather it as gene plasma banks;
2. To ( ... )
t data and information of each local rice varieties - it?s taxonomy, habitat and planting methods;
3. To select prime quality, high demand rice varieties and reproduce them;
To increase the usage of organic manure and to decrease dependency on inorganic fertilizer and pesticide;
4. To decrease pollution caused by the usage of inorganic fertilizer and pesticide;
5. To involve local community
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/98-065 |
Project goal:
Best practices in managing post-fired land which is adopted and supported by local Community acts as well as Government policy
Project objectives:
1.To form a demonstration project which is suitable from conservation point of view ( ... )
as community?s interest
2.To improve the productivity of post-fired land
3.To increase farmer?s self reliance economic activities by applying intensification and diversification farming system
4.To conserve biodiversity by planting local variety plants
5.To raise community?s awareness and participation on conservation activities
6.To increase community?s awareness and participation in
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/97-039 |
Project goal:
To preserve nature resources, especially coastal and marine ecosystems
Project objective :
1. To decrase land erosion rate caused by direct exposure to the sea waves
2. To encourge better land management system
3. To ( ... )
se nature conservation effort done by local community
4. To increase productivity of brakish fish ponds owned by local community
5. To increase income of local community
6. To provide a forum for information sharing for CBOs
Activities to be carried out under project :
1. Preparation.
a) Forming local CBOs
b) Setting demoplot
c) Network buidling with local government and
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/97-059 |
Project goal:
The establishment of community based sustainable management of biological diversity where the various interests are accommodated and the regional development is taken into account.
Project objective :
1. To provide a map ( ... )
ditional areas of resource utilization before and after the entry of commercial activities as well as documentation of traditional resource use pattern;
2. To compile an action plan on community based sustainable resource use on the basis of the achievement of objective #1;
3. To develop recommendations for a biosphere management area based on the data objective 1 and 2;
4. To raise wider
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/97-025 |
Project goal:
To strenghthen community?s economic activities. Successful self-sustainability will decrease community?s dependency on natural resources available which also endanger the well being of world?s natural heritage (Borobudur ( ... )
Project objective :
1.To increase community?s awareness on natural conservation efforts
2.To provide options of reliable alternative source of income to community
3.To reduce disturbances by community towards national?s culture heritage (Borobudur temple)
4.To maximize the uses of land available in Majaksingi villages
5.To increase woman?s involvement in developing process
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/98-082 |
Project goal:
To preserve and develop biodiversity conservation effort through implementing sustainable agriculture system
Project objectives:
1.To demonstrate best practice on agriculture land management through several demonstration projects ( ... )
as well as field training
2.To raise community?s awareness on conservation effort
3.To raise community?s participation on conservation activities
4.To increase community?s capability in managing their agriculture land in environmentally friendly manner
5.To improve the productivity of agricultural land
6.To conserve agricultural land by implementing organic farming system
7.To increase
International Waters
Phase 1
Project Number: THA/98/G09 |
U-Taphao Canal runs about 120 km.long starting from Tambol Samnak Taew of Sadao District to the areas of other 3 districts of Songkhla Province before draining into the Songkhla Lagoon at Tambol Khou Tao, Hadyai District of Songkhla. The canal ( ... )
es its water from watershed area of Khao Nam Khang ( Nam Khang Mountain), a part of the San Kalakili Range bordering the Malaysian border.
In the past, the canal had been a source of water supply for livelihood.Apart form providing fishes, the canal had been supplying water for daily living, agriculture and a ship route for communication and transportation.
The accumulated effects of
International Waters
Phase 1
Project Number: THA/98/G39 |
The forest area of about 480 ha around the project location once was a conservation areas but had recently been revoked. It has been the prime watershed area for the Bang Pra Kong Rivers and other tributaries which drain into the Gulf of Thailand. ( ... )
hough some portions of it has been degraded, it can still be rehabilitated through community effort.
The committee was established in 1995 , and with determination, has been launching conservation activities. However due to the limited capacity of the community, the progress has been very slow. Almost all of the community members are relocated and provided with about 2 ha of farmland
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: KEN-GEF-98-003 |
To improve the livelihoods of Kenya communities living in remote areas by providing them with alternative source of energy.ITDG will backstop a community in Chuka to distribute the electricity by installing a generatorm, constructing a power line ( ... )
stributing the power in a community industrial park. In phase II the community will also use the same power to pump water to a central place and then reticulate it to their houses. The project is expected to reach a core group of 200 households but will eventually serve a total of about 10,000
International Waters
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-JOR-95-G52-17 |
The proponent has been working in coopertion with the concerned authorities to manage the land adjacent to the Jordan River in the village of Damia- previously a border town that had been neglected after the peace treaty with Israel- planting palm ( ... )
involving the local community in the process. The project address a priority issue for Jordan which is the managment of the Jordan River basin, and it will provide a model to be emulated by private land owners in the Jordan Valley. Planting has been very successful and additional areas have been
Phase 1
Project Number: BZE/98/04 |
Planning grant to develop a proposal that will allow stakeholder to contribute towards the co-management, including protection and conservation of the recently declared Aquacaliente (Lu Ha) Wildlife Sanctuary in the Toledo District. |
Sri lanka
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: SRL/95/G52/025 |
Awareness programmes to change attitudes and practices of people on efficient use of domestic energy, introduce alternative energy sources for domestic and small scale industrial use, implement monitoring methods for students on efficient use of ( ... )
ic electricity through participation of 60 students from schools. The NGO attempts to develop a replicable model for energy conservation through two innovative approaches. In one, school children were successfully mobilsed to conserve household electricity consumption, while in the other a selected number of women were mobilised to change practices pertaining to use of excessive fuel-wood for