There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 1
Project Number: PPS-02-98 |
1)To provide access to local communities of native endangered species of trees, as well as fast growing species for energy purposes.
2)To complement ongoing reforestation activities at 5 communities on the San Marcos ( ... )
3)To train stakeholders on tree nursery establishment, general business management to try to achieve sustainability, and forest management.
This project will establish tree nurseries on 5 communities at Comitancillo, San Marcos; for the production of 74,000 seedlings and their commercialization among participants and other community members that are managing forests with
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-JOR-95-G52-14 |
As part of the land and soil conservation measures undertaken in Wadi Ben Hammad, a women NGO reintroduced traditional water harvesting techniques i.e. rain collection wells in the community of the townof Rakin, south of Jordan. The NGO used a ( ... )
g system whereby beneficiaries pay back part of the cost of constructing the well provided by th
International Waters
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-JOR-95-G52-20 |
The proponent was given a Pilot Phase SGP grant to establish a Palm Tree Nursery, but the project lacked a training component at the time. This has helped the proponent achieve its objectives in applying land and soil conservation practices in an ( ... )
ant watershed where training and exchange of experiences would enhance the community's capacities to manage the land in their
International Waters
Phase 1
Project Number: THA/98/G36 |
The project location is situated along the Yuam river.With its lenght of 218 km.and draining into Moei River, a river transboundary with the Union of Myanma, the Yuam has been the sources of water supply for agricultural practice and household ( ... )
ption for population of 4 districts of Mae Hong Sorn Province.There are 3 indigenous groups of people residing in the vicinity of the river.These are the low-land Thai , Shanist and high-land people. The total population in the area is 150,000:
At present, the livelihood of the population around the Yuam river has drastically changed. Both private and public sector has encouraged the
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: OP-16.98-M |
Installation of a 25-kilowatt community-managed micro hydropower facility as an alternative and environment-friendly model for utilizing renewable energy source (water). To sustain MPH operation, a watershed management and development plan was ( ... )
Addressing climate change issues at the grassroots level at the same time creating additional livelihood opportunities is demonstrated by this project. It aims to develop and operationalize a community-managed micro-hydro power plant as an environment-friendly technology in support of the community's development. An inherent component is also watershed protection and biodiversity
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: MAR/95/G52/I/14 |
This project aims at demonstrating the feasibility of making organic compost and its application to growing vegetables. It will imply composting locally available wastes using relatively simple technologies to produce high quality composts that will ( ... )
ied to agricultural land at Belle Mare. It will demonstrate that using composts would lead to a reduction in the use of chemical fertilisers and hence show small-scale approaches to preserving the fertility of land and enhance organic farming methods. The grant allocated by the GEF/SGP will be mainly used for setting up a demonstration plot of organic compost making at the National Federation of
Sri lanka
Phase 1
Project Number: SRL/95/G52/033 |
Reduce environmental pollution caused by dumping degradable waste on roads in urban areas leading to health hazards and land degradation.
The project would also reduce the waste now being transported to the wet lands of Attidiya, which ( ... )
atural habitat for rare species of birds.
Community participation in urban environmental management with emphasis on waste disposal.
Reduce dumping of household waste in wetland sanctuary in Colombo and suburban areas by converting waste to compost in households.
Household processing of organic waste to compost by the use of movable concrete compost bins with
Pilot Phase
Project Number: BOL/03/99 |
En la región del Altiplano Central del departamento de La Paz, se implementó el proyecto de conservación y uso sostenible de la biomasa, con el cual se ha logrado minimizar el consumo de lena a partir del uso de tecnologÃa y eficiencia ( ... )
©tica de las Cocinas Lorena, alternando con la utilización de gas, reduciendo las emisiones de dióxido de carbono. Se trabajó con 40 comunidades de las provincias Aroma, Gualberto Villarroel y Loayza de la que participaron 1743
Pilot Phase
Project Number: BOL/10/99 |
En función de una estrategia para enfrentar una problemática generalizada de pérdida de suelos y aguas, se ha construido, gracias al esfuerzo y la motivación de los comunarios, 9500 m de terrazas de formación lenta en terrenos de uso agrÃcola, ( ... )
de zanjas de desvÃo y 1026 m de zanjas de infiltración en zonas de pastoreo y de uso forestal. A nivel de la instalación de sistemas agroforestales se han realizado el cercado con alambre de púa de aproximadamente 5 has. en las cuales se permitirá la regeneración natural de las especies nativas del bosque seco interandino, complementando el enriquecimiento del bosque con la implantación de
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: MEX/97/19 |
Impulsar la conservación del bosque tropical con un enfoque comunitario, autogestivo, genérico y micro regional, extendiendo, desde el interior de las comunidades, la práctica de las milpas orgánicas permanentes y fortaleciendo el manejo ( ... )
gico, integral e intensivo de las otras actividades productivas articuladas a la milpa, para mejorar la calidad de vida de los campesinos al mismo tiempo que se enriquece la
International Waters
Phase 1
Project Number: THA/98/G23 |
In the past (before 1957), the environment around the Phong River was good, teeming with water species and dense forest area on both sides. Settlers in the areas had prompted the degradation of the environment.
After 1957, numbers of settlers ( ... )
creasing. The forest areas on both sides were substantially denuded and turned into paddy fields and other cash crops to satisfy the demand of the industrial sector. The majority of land were titled by villagers, land speculators and factory owner. Nevertheless, there are public land remained as graveyards, grassland for cattle and degraded forest. In 1978 ,large scale industry was introduced
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: GHA/98/037 |
Conservation of medicinal plants is of national and international importance as over 60 % of Ghana?s population depend s on these resources and many western allotrophic drugs are also derived from them. Unfortunately, these resources are under ( ... )
s threat particularly in the savanna zones, which experience bushfires, excessive grazing of livestock, conversion of wild ecosystems into farmlands and increases in human habitation.The Centre has 259.2 Ha of land whish forms part of the Chipa Tributary Forest Reserve. Since acquiring the land in the mid 1980s, the Centre had cultivated only 20.25 Ha. With SGP assistance, the Centre worked with
Sri lanka
Phase 1
Project Number: SRL/95/G52/045 |
Rationale, objectives
To advocate the need for conservation and improvement of environmentally sensitive areas of Galle town.
To improve nature conservation and bio diversity of identified locations in the town.
Raising public ( ... )
ess on the importance of environment protection and improvemnt of environmentally sensitive areas of Galle city. Training of school children on nature photography and other environment issues, lobby government bodies and hold photographic exhibition
Raising public awareness on the importance of conservation and improvement of environmentally sensitive sites in the town through urban forums,
Sri lanka
Phase 1
Project Number: SRL/95/G52/024 |
Binkohomba is an endangered medicinal plant that has very high demand for Ayurvedic medicinal purposes.
This project aims at conserving biodiversity by replanting in its natural habitat and to produce 500 kilograms of Binkohomba annually to meet ( ... )
tional demands.
Conduct a 2-day workshop for women farmers to raise awareness on identification of medicinal plants, growing and their maintenance, use of organic fertilizer,
Pest management, each of the 50 women farmers to grow 2000 plants.
Print leaflets and booklets on the plants with medicinal value, conserved under this project.
Distribute 100 Binkohomba plants among farmers to be grown
International Waters
Phase 1
Project Number: THA/98/G26 |
The watershed area of Rabom-Siyad Tributary has its origin in the eastern forest area. They drain into the Bang Prakong River and the Gulf Of Thailand. These tributaries supply the Gulf Of Thailand with natural richness which nourish the ecological ( ... )
of the gulf. Besides, the tributaries are likened as an aorta for people settling on both sides for years.
The eastern forest supplies fresh water for tributaries making livelihood in the vicinity complete and simultaneously prevent the sea water flowing up into the cultivated area and freshwater ecosystem. However at present, the forest has been devastated on account of factors and criteria
Sri lanka
Phase 1
Project Number: SRL/95/G52/023 |
Conservation of bio diversity in the remaining tropical rain forests in the Ratnapura district.
Establish an education centre to conduct awareness programmes for the community in the villages adjoining the forests, on importance of conserving bio ( ... )
Distribution of 2500 energy saving stoves with the expectation of minimizing firewood usage by 50%
Train and equip 25 persons on Bee-keeping.
Distribution of plants that yield timber wood to be grown in the home gardens of the villagers, in order to meet the timber needs of the community, lessen the harm caused to forests and increase forest cover, thereby reducing atmospheric carbon
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: GHA/98/023 |
The Morago and White Volta Rivers occur in the Bawku East District and the northeastern corner of Ghana, which is an arid/semi-arid area. These rivers are bordered by Government designated forest reserves and hence are protected areas. The forest ( ... )
part of an international biodiversity corridor for the movement of wildlife, particularly the African Elephants, Lexodonta africana between Burkina Faso, Ghana and northern Togo. The northeast corner of Ghana has experienced perennial crop raiding by elephants leading to human-elephant conflicts in which elephants have been killed in the past. GEF/SGP identified the basis of the problem as
Phase 1
Project Number: GHA/98/033 |
The River Ponpon and the Falls that occur along its length including the Boti Falls occur in the Dry Semi- deciduous forest zone in the Eastern Region of Ghana. The river takes its source from the Kwahu Southern Scarp Forest Reserve. Owning to ( ... )
deforestation and degradation of this reserve and the off reserve forests of the area, most indigenous biodiversity and the River Ponpon are under severe threat. The Boti Falls, one of Ghana?s popular ecotourism sites, no longer flow year round because of deforestation and farming the banks of the Ponpon River.The NGO is working with communities along the river to desist from farming too close
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: GHA/98/025 |
The West Mamprusi District is bordered by the White Volta River on its northern side. The river together with the Red Volta and the Morago Rivers to the north and east respectively of the district are all bordered by government gazetted forest ( ... )
es which serves as international corridors for the movement of biodiversity, particularly elephants, between Burkina Faso, Ghana and northern Togo. The White Volta River also flows westwards and is joined by the Kulpaum River, which runs along the northern border of Ghana?s largest wildlife park ? the Mole National Park. The protection of these riverine forests will reduce the trend of habitat
Phase 1
Project Number: EG-OP1-07 |
Recording of plant species available in that area, describing its condition from the plantation and environmental side. Identifying the important range land plantations. Identifying the endangered plantations.
coopration with the NGOs in the ( ... )
conducting public awarness workshops and case sudies
Documentation of the traditional knowledge of the local Bedouin in the Mediterranean Coastal Zone of Egypt
To rise up the awareness level of biodiversity problems through a notification program executed through international